Calendar September 13, 2019 06:48

In this paper, an algorithm based on integral collocation and variational iteration method for solving integro-differential equations is presented. In the rst instance, integro-differential equations are reduced to a system of integral equations after which we replaced all the derivatives in the new system of integral equations with their equivalent new derivatives. These new derivatives were obtained by approximating the nth order derivative with truncated Chebyshev series and then integrated n-times to obtain expressions for lower-order derivatives and the function itself. After the second iteration, the residual equation is formed which is collocated at the chosen collocation points and extra n equations are also obtained from the boundary conditions. Computational results are given for test examples to demonstrate the effectiveness, reliability, applicability and efficiency of the new method. It is shown that the solutions obtained from the method have very high degree of accuracy.


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Posted September 13, 2019 06:48

Calendar September 12, 2019 07:52

Fixed point results for the self dominated mappings satisfying locally Hardy Roger type contractive conditions on a closed ball in K-sequentially 0-complete preordered quasi-partial metric space have been established. An example has been given. Many well-known recent results have been generalized.

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Posted September 12, 2019 07:52

This paper is devoted to a new iterative method for finding the approximate solutions of systems of nonlinear equations. Based on some geometric considerations, a root-finding algorithm applied to a single equation is developed and coupled with Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel procedures with the aim of solving nonlinear systems. The numerical predictive abilities of this iterative method are addressed and discussed on some examples.


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Posted September 12, 2019 07:52

Calendar September 11, 2019 06:20

In this paper, the concept of Pythagorean fuzzy compactness, Pythagorean fuzzy almost compactness and Pythagorean fuzzy near compactness are introduced and studied. We give some characterizations of Pythagorean fuzzy almost compactness in terms of Pythagorean fuzzy regular open or Pythagorean fuzzy regular closed. Also, we investigate the behavior of Pythagorean fuzzy compactness under several types of Pythagorean fuzzy continuous.

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Posted September 11, 2019 06:20

A set S of vertices is a dominating set if every vertex in V \ S has a neighbour in S. A Roman dominating function (RDF) on a graph G = (V,E) is defined to be a function f : V → {0, 1, 2} satisfying the condition that every vertex u for which f(u) = 0 is adjacent to at least one vertex v for which f(v) = 2. A Roman dominating function f of G can also be represented by a set of ordered pairs Sf = {(v, f(v)) : v V } . A subset T of Sf is called a forcing subset of Sf if Sf is the unique extension of T to a γR(G)-function. We define a forcing Roman domination number of Sf denoted by F(Sf, γR), as F(Sf, R) = min{|T| : T is aforcing subset of Sf }. The forcing Roman domination number F(G, γR) of G is degined as F(G; γR) = min{f(Sf, γR) : f is a γR(G) function}. Hence for every graph G, F(G,γR) ≥ 0. In this paper, we initiate a study of this parameter. We also obtain the forcing Roman domination number of paths, cycles, complete graphs, and complete multipartite.

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Posted September 11, 2019 06:20

Calendar September 10, 2019 07:40

Firms with efficient working capital management generate more free cash flows will result in a higher business valuation. The present study aims to analyze the working capital management efficiency of firms in Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry in India selecting a sample of all the firms of CNX FMCG index of National Stock Exchange of India for the period from 2003-04 to 2014-15. Performance index, utilization index, efficiency index are used to measure the efficiency of working capital management. Empirical results proved that the Indian Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry performed remarkably well during the study period.

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Posted September 10, 2019 07:40

This paper examines the relationship between capital flows, exchange rate, and growth for the Nigerian economy for the periods 1986-2014. Employing the vector autoregressive (VAR) approach, empirical findings from the impulse response reveals that capital inflows respond negatively to changes in exchange rate. Also, the results show that capital inflows react positively to growth suggesting that the higher the economic growth the more the capital inflows. The study also shows that exchange rate response positively to shock in capital inflows suggesting that the more the capital inflows the more the Nigeria currency appreciates. Furthermore, it was found that growth responds positively to shock in capital inflows indicating that the higher the capital inflows the higher the rate of economic growth. The variance decomposition of capital inflows shows that variation in capital inflows is greatly influenced by growth. Also, the variance decomposition of exchange rate suggests that capital inflow plays a significant role in the variation of the exchange rate. Furthermore, the outcome of the study also shows that both the capital inflows and exchange rate produce almost the same influence on economic growth. Finally, employing the Granger causality in determining the causal relationship between the variables, it was found that there is a unidirectional causal relationship between growth and capital inflows in Nigeria. The implication of this study is that government should design and implement policies towards enhancing economic growth to stimulate capital inflow.

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Posted September 10, 2019 07:40

Calendar September 9, 2019 04:53

Exports have continued to play an important role in the economy of many developing countries. In this way the level of economic growth, employment and the balance of payments can be promoted. In Cameroon, the government has initiated several trade policy reforms aimed at promoting the export sector. This notwithstanding the country’s share in total world exports remains very low. Given the central role of exports in the economy, it was important to identify the plausible factors affecting export flows between Cameroon and her trading partners using an augmented gravity trade model. The panel dataset used covered a period from 1995 to 2014. The results showed that Cameroon’s GDP, importer’s GDP, real exchange rate, population and official common language had a positive and statistically significant effect on Cameroon’s exports. The study further showed that the distance between Cameroon and its trading partners had a negative and statistical significant effect on export flows. These results provide some policy insights which can enhance trade and foster economic growth, notably improvement in infrastructural development which is linked to transportation cost.

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Posted September 9, 2019 04:53

The rate of capital flows into the emerging markets is alarming and has become a subject of debate in the literature. It is mostly believed that capital flows are beneficial to the economies of the developing countries as it engenders the efficient allocation of global resources thereby increasing the availability of capital required for investment and economic growth. Despite the general belief, the macroeconomic variables that determine capital flows remain controversial. In the light of this, the study attempted to examine the long-run and short-run determinants of capital flows into Nigeria. The study employed secondary data sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), FRED Economic data, and World Development Indicator between the periods of 1986-2014. Using the econometric technique of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL), the study found that exchange rate (LnEXR) and stock market prices (LnSP) are important determinants of capital flows into Nigeria both in the short-run and long-run. It is, therefore, recommended that the government, through its policies, should make concerted effort in boosting the activities at the stock market in a bid to attract capital flows into the country.

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Posted September 9, 2019 04:53

Calendar September 7, 2019 08:20

The ways a country funds its health care delivery system could be an indicator of how much importance is placed on the commodity and its consumers. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficacy or otherwise of healthcare financing in Nigeria. To achieve the objective of the study, different questionnaires were designed and administered to the patients and health practitioners of a public hospital in Ogun State. The total number of questionnaire administered was 50 copies (25 copies for the patients; 25 copies for the health practitioners) and all the questionnaires were returned. A multiple regression analysis was adopted to justify the effectiveness of healthcare financing options on health services in Nigeria. The findings revealed that tax –based healthcare financing is effective inthe purchase of health services in Nigeria. Also, the result indicated that out-of-pocket healthcare financing has significant effect on health services in Nigeria. It is therefore recommended that while out –of-pocket may be necessary as means of purchasing health services, the government should intensify the use of tax-based healthcare financing to facilitate the provision of sustainable healthcare service in Nigeria.

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Posted September 7, 2019 08:20

While reviewing financial information in the annual reports of firms, each of the internal and external users of financial information has a different objective in mind for the firm. In effect, the same set of annual reports of the firm is being reviewed by different types of users with a different objective in mind. This paper aims to measure the extent of voluntary disclosure provided in the annual reports of Deposit Money Banks (DMBs) in Nigeria over a period of twelve (12) years from 2006 to 2017. Using three panel data regression models (the pooled, the fixed effects and the random effects OLS) voluntary disclosure scores of the DMBs is estimated on selected DMBs’ corporate governance attributes (Board Composition, Audit Committee Composition, Board Size, frequency of audit committee meetings and presence of foreigner on board). The study finds that board composition, audit committee composition and frequency of audit committee meetings are positively correlated with voluntary information disclosure and that board size and presence of foreigner on board are negatively correlated with voluntary information disclosure. The study recommends that regulatory authorities in Nigeria should ensure standardization in reporting formats for DMBs to allow for comparability among different DMBs. It is also recommended that government should provide incentives for more voluntary disclosures to reduce information asymmetry in the Nigeria Stock Exchange market and attract more foreign investments into the market, and hence boost the economy. Based on the findings of this study, it is further recommended that board independence should be encouraged by the regulatory authorities as it fosters more voluntary disclosure. Moreover, based on the findings of this study, policies that restrict board size should be favoured as banks with a larger board size tend to disclose less voluntary information.

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Posted September 7, 2019 08:20

Calendar September 6, 2019 05:38

In this paper, we study the curvature properties of N(k)-contact metric manifolds satisfying the conditions Projective Ricci pseudosymmetric Condition, W3-Ricci pseudosymmetric Condition, P.Q = 0, Q.P = 0, W3.Q = 0, Q.W3 = 0.


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Posted September 6, 2019 05:38

Calendar September 5, 2019 05:38

Leaves and peels of pawpaw bought from open market within Port Harcourt metropolis were examined for metals and qualitative phytochemical compositions with the intent or aim to examine their phyto and ethno medical importance as agricultural waste products. The metals examined in the leaves and peels of the pawpaw were; manganese (Mn), potassium (K), sodium (Na), zinc (Zn), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), arsenic (As), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), and selenium (Se). Their concentrations were in the order Fe > Mn > Zn > Mg > K >Cu > Ca > Ni > Na > Pb> Ar = Se in the leaves, while those of the peels were in the order Fe > Mn > Zn > Mg > Cu > Ca > K > Ni = Na > Pb> Ar = Se. The results of heavy metals in leaves and peels were not significantly different from each other, but were slightly higher in the peels than the leaves. The phytochemicals examined in the leaves and plants were flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, phenol, terpenoids, tannins, carboxylic acids, quinones and xanthoproteins. The phytochemicals detected in the aqueous extracts of the leaves and peels were; flavonoids, alkaloids, phenolics, caboxylic acids and xanthoprotein, while methanolics extracts showed the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides, phenolics, terpenoids and xanthoproteins. The presence of micronutrients and phytochemicals in the pawpaw plant might be the reason for its utility in the cure of different diseases and ailments.

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Posted September 5, 2019 05:38

Calendar September 5, 2019 05:36

This article seeks to review the preparedness of the health care system in the last outbreak of meningitis in Nigeria that has come to be our residential guest. Nigeria is one of the 26 countries within the extensive region of sub-Saharan Africa known as the "meningitis belt," where large epidemics occur. The outbreaks peak in the dry season in certain states is due to the low humidity and dusty conditions and usually end as the rainy season approaches, Meningitis is a tough disease and it is associated with overcrowding, which is why Nigeria records some of the highest incidences of the disease on the continent. Concerted efforts should centre on bringing the outbreak under control, as all stalk holders must work towards preventing outbreaks of this scale in the future. It is expected that States takes ownership of outbreak preparedness and ensure that all efforts put into preparedness translate to meaningful action for response. Hence local and international collaborations cannot be over emphasized in managing the epidemic.

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Posted September 5, 2019 05:36

Calendar September 4, 2019 06:05

Different microbiome and Bacillus thuringiensis diversity and dynamics of field soils of sole rain fed rice, and deep/shallow water rice-fish cultivation systems of National Rice Research Institute was assessed to enrich knowledge on functionalities of active microbial guilds of aforementioned micro-ecologies. Diversity and dynamics (x105 cfu/g soil, approx.) of microbial guilds viz. heterotrophs (1.04-7.87), spore formers (0.37-0.99), Gram negative bacteria (0.87-9.44), asymbiotic N2 fixers (0.10-0.17), nitrifiers (0.04-0.38), denitrifiers (0.09-0.38), spore crystal formers (0.003-0.02), actinobacteria (0.004-0.005) and fungi (0.003-0.01), as well as, indices (0.07-0.19 x 10-2) of spore-crystal forming bacteria i.e. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) were highly diverse in rain fed rice and deep/shallow water rice-fish farming field soils. Four spore-crystal forming bacterial isolates viz. TB426 and 432 of rice field, and TB436 of deep water rice-fish and TB442 of shallow water rice-fish farming field soils were diverse in phenotypic characters, antibiotic/salt (6–11% NaCl) tolerance, crystal composition (bipyramidal but variable sizes) etc. The Bt isolates (Bts) had 62.10-76.87 kbp genomic DNA (gDNA) and single plasmid (24.33- 42.50 kbp). The Bts (TB 426/432) had 12-14 cellular proteins (9.88-540.7 kDa). Phenotypic identities of TB426 and 432 were Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) var. galleriae, TB436 was Bt var. thompsoni/coreanensis and TB442 was Bt var. dendrolimus/sotto. The results proved structural and functional diversity of Bt population in NRRI rice soils of different micro-ecologies. The resident Bt with different toxin composition would be potent natural biocide and can be exploited for suppression of different rice field pests to sustain productivity.

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Posted September 4, 2019 06:05

Calendar September 4, 2019 06:04

This study focused on different parameters attached to the drought resistance of Thuya inoculated by an indigenous endomycorrhizal fungus. The mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal Thuya plants were exhibited to two stages of water: the level of water stress and an irrigation normal level. The results showed that controlled mycorrhization significantly improves plant tolerance to water dryness. Our finding showed that the inoculation with endomycorrhizal fungi had a negative effect on the content of photosynthetic pigments. On the other hand, Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) inoculation had a positive impact on the soluble sugar content, which was higher in AMF plants (251.4 mg/g) than in non-AMF plants (222.53 mg/g). Furthermore, the build-up of proline was lower in mycorrhizal plants (89.95 mg/g) than in non-mycorrhizal plants (194.71 mg/g). Also, the total soluble protein content was higher in mycorrhizal plants (257.84 µg/g) than non-mycorrhizal plants (225.49 μg/g) under water stress. These data clearly show that inoculation with endomycorrhizal fungi has improved the drought tolerance of Tetraclinis articulata plants, which could be a very interesting solution to reduce the adverse effects caused by drought and subsequently determine the success of the programs regeneration in Thuya forests.

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Posted September 4, 2019 06:04

Calendar September 3, 2019 07:45

Background: Alpha-amylases are one class of the amylase enzymes extensively synthesized in plants, animals, and microbes. They have been generally used in many industrial applications in a wide range of industrial processes such as food, pharmaceutical and detergent industries.

Due to their high catalytic and thermos stability property according to Yadav, fungal amylases are effectively applied in a wide range of industrial processes. These enzymes are affected by pH, temperature and/or substrates concentration.

Aim: This study aimed at determining the stability of alpha amylase from Aspergillus niger with varied pH conditions.

Methods: The kinetic stability of the enzyme was measured by determining its half-life (t1/2) and inactivation rate constant (kd) where pH was varied from 4.5 to 8.5 along with temperature from 50°C to 90°C. The inactivation rate constant was determined from the equation  while the t1/2 was determined from=.

Results: The activation energy of inactivation was determined from the Arrhenius plot of inactivation. The protein concentration was estimated to be 2.57mg/ml by the Biuret method. The amylase isolated was thermos table with an optimum temperature of 70°C, optimum pH of 6.5 and an optimum substrate concentration of 0.26%. The Km was 0.13% while the Vmax was 1.0×10-4g/ml. The kd values ranges from 0.0780 to 0.0814 min-1 while the t1/2 values ranges from 8.51 to 8.78min and the results observed for pH 4.5, 6.5, 7.0, and 8.5 are 4.821 x102J/mol, 9.342 x102J/mol, 28.025 x102J/mol and -9.362x102 J/mol respectively.

Conclusion: The stability of the enzyme is decreased by pH variation in the order pH 8.5 < pH 4.5 < pH 6.5 < pH 7.0 showing that the enzyme is stable in alkaline and acidic medium than in a neutral pH. The optimum substrate at which the reaction rate is independent of the substrate concentration was determined to be 0.26% (0.0026 g/ml)


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Posted September 3, 2019 07:45

Calendar September 3, 2019 07:42

Trust in government (TG) represents to one’s explanations regarding the truth and ability of the movement, as long as the e-government services. E-government services can support to start citizen trust of government. In former study, very few is attentive on the significant of e-government services and trust in local government. To fill up these research gaps present study absorbed to found trust in local government services by institutional theory. The research is grounded on the quantitative field survey wherever 300 respondents after the rural area of Bangladesh have been measured as sample. Sample has been collected at Chittagong, one Union Parishad, in Bangladesh. The IBM statistics SPSS 21 and LISREL 8.7 used to perform statistical analysis. The theoretical outline is observed by structural equation modelling (SEM). This article suggests a model observe in what way e-government services (i.e., mimetic mechanism, coercive mechanism, normative mechanism) affect citizen trust in local government. Using Statistical equation model (SEM) in current research, it finds that mimetic and transaction services are associated with the e-government services while normative services does not associate. We conclude with implications and suggestion for future research.


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Posted September 3, 2019 07:42

Calendar August 30, 2019 07:41

This study examines the macroeconomic determinants of stock returns in Nigeria over the period 1985-2016 using the ARDL approach to cointegration and error correction model.  Our findings have shown that GDP is not significant both in the short and long run, while, Interest rate and money supply exert position positive and significant influence on stock market returns while inflation negatively affects stock market returns in Nigeria. Our findings have shown that GDP significant both in the short and long run, while, Interest rate and money supply positively influence stock market returns while inflation negatively affects stock market returns in Nigeria. It was also found that these macroeconomic variables significantly affect stock market returns in Nigeria. The results in general highlight the need government and monetary authorities to provide policies that will ensure sustained economic growth and development. CBN should continue its policy target on economic activities and investment.

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Posted August 30, 2019 07:41

Calendar August 30, 2019 07:40

The importance of social capital is another new stylized fact in promoting agriculture. The study has as objective to examine the impact of social capital in the enhancement of cocoa production and to determine the challenges faced by cocoa producers in Santchou. Methodologically, we have constructed a social capital index through the application of Multiple Correspondence Analyses using primary data collected within the Santchou cocoa zone and the probit model is used for regression estimates. The result revealed a strong correlation between social capital and cocoa production, while the level of education, sex, marital status, financial status, experience in faming, household size and agricultural training are strongly corroborating with the determinants of social capital. In addition, farm size, level of education, application of farm inputs (pesticides and fertilizers), modern equipment, climate change, access to credit and land tenure system were observed to be the major challenges faced by cocoa farmers in Santchou. We suggest that cocoa farmer’s social network should be improved to enable them easily get assistant when necessary.

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Posted August 30, 2019 07:40