Calendar October 9, 2019 06:51

Water samples were collected from three different locations along the Silver River, Bayelsa State and were analyzed for the concentrations of selected heavy metals. This was done with the aim to determine if the concentrations of the metals exceeded the minimum requirement for drinking water by WHO. The result showed that the examined metals; cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), nickel (N), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn) and mercury (Hg) concentrations were between 0.714±0.131-2.414±0.648, 1.742±0.214-3.812±1.136, 1.694±0.331-3.725±1.203, 0.443±0.06-2.717±0.782, 2.171±0.520-3.691±0.669, 5.167±2.063-8.239±2.411, 2.891±0.897-4.489±1.093, 0.349±0.062-2.891±1.033 and 0.0011±0.00-0.0024±0.00 mg/L respectively. All the values observed for the individual heavy metals except Hg were higher than the WHO value for domestic water. The contamination factor index analyzed from the concentrations of the heavy metals showed different degrees or levels of contamination – pollution of the water by the individual metals examined. Therefore, the water is not good for human consumption. The government should make practicable efforts to stop the input sources of these metals into the Silver River water body.

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Posted October 9, 2019 06:51

Calendar October 1, 2019 06:18

Milk and milk powder are very rich in several nutrients and relished by everybody throughout the world. This study reports on the microbiological status of Powder milk samples belonging to seven different markets of Dhaka Metropolitan Area. The samples were tested for the Total Coliform Count (TCC), pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli and Salmonella spp count. The number of Coliform organisms varied from 20±2.83 to 450±2 (MPN/g).  The Coliform counts of the powder milk samples were exceeded the 100 per gram limit for dried milk powder recommended by the International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) and Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The number of E. coli varied from 3±0.00 to 44±2.83 (MPN/g). The presence of E. coli in most of the samples indicates pre and post-processing contamination of the milk. No Salmonella spp. could be isolated from the samples. Since the international agencies have not fixed any limit for E. coli count in dry milk, the hygienic quality of those samples must be improved considerably. These results highlighted the necessity to maintain appropriate sanitary and hygienic measures at each critical point to safeguard consumers from foodborne pathogens.

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Posted October 1, 2019 06:18

Calendar October 1, 2019 06:17

Based on the cubic-quintic-septic nonlinear formulation for typical physical systems with higher-order nonlinearity, we solve the one-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and simulate the higher-order nonlinear effects of such systems under certain experimental conditions. Through F-expansion method and modulus-phase transformation, we reach the analytical solutions of the model, and the single and double soliton solutions are identified, and the septic-order nonlinearity is shown with the special nonlinear characteristics of the system.


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Posted October 1, 2019 06:17

Calendar September 28, 2019 07:04

The present study was carried out to develop an efficient plant regeneration protocol for Sesamum indicum (L.) from cotyledon explants prepared from 10-day-old in vitro grown plantlets. Cotyledon explants inoculated on MS medium containing 2 mg l−1 N6 –Benzyladenine (BA) and 30 mg l−1 spermidine induced the higher number of shoots (23.43 shoots/explant) and the induced shoots were elongated (5.63 cm/shoots) in the same medium. The maximum frequency (92.33%) of root induction was recorded in MS medium fortified with 10 mg l−1 putrescine. Up to 95% of the regenerated plantlets acclimatized and developed further under the greenhouse conditions. Antibacterial activity of the regenerated plant extracts exhibited resistance against various pathogens such as, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Bacillus subtilis and Micrococcus luteus. Highest zone of inhibition (13 mm) was recorded for B. subtilis and M. luteus at 50 μg ml−1 extract.

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Posted September 28, 2019 07:04

Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) is the most economically important cultivated species for timber and nutritious nuts among 21 walnuts worldwide. Walnut has been planted in Vietnam personally in a small number of areas in Northern provinces sharing borderlines with China. The objective of this study was to survey characteristics of fruits and nuts of 15 J. regia promising trees and discuss their suitability as plus trees serving for intensive plantation. The results indicated that fruit diameter ranges 40.41-49.7 mm, fruit weight ranges 38.12-70.81 g, nut diameter ranges 24.19-34.96 mm, and nut weight ranges 9.07-25.26 g. The nut to fruit ratio for diameter ranges 57.8-70.4% and for weight ranges 20.4-35.7%. There existed positive linear relationships between fruit weight and nut weight for 10 of 15 promising trees with regression/R2 >0.5. While relationships between fruit diameter and nut diameter generally did not exist or existed with low regression (R2 <0.3). It is concluded that six of 15 promising trees could be selected as plus trees for intensive plantations through grafting technique. Those plus trees have a nut to fruit ratio for weight >30% and high regressions between fruit weight and nut weight.

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Posted September 28, 2019 07:04

Calendar September 27, 2019 03:47

In this study, singular diffusion operator is considered, we have derived integral equations for the solutions under certain initial conditions. We have also derived integral representations that satisfy initial conditions. Some features of the zeros of the characteristic functions have been obtained and with the help of these, we have investigated spectral properties of singular diffusion operator. Furthermore, we have obtained the asymptotic formulas for eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and normalizing numbers.

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Posted September 27, 2019 03:47

The present research uses multi-timing regular perturbations in asymptotic expansions to analyze a certain differential equation having a cubic-quintic nonlinearity. The differential equation contains slowly-varying explicitly time-dependent coefficients as well as some small parameters upon which asymptotic expansions are initiated. The formulation is seen to be typical of a certain mass-spring arrangement (with geometric imperfection), trapped by a loading history that is explicitly time-dependent and slowly varying, but continuously decreasing in magnitude, while the restoring force on the spring has a cubic-quintic nonlinearity.  The dynamic buckling load of the elastic model structure is determined analytically and is related to the corresponding static buckling load. To the level of the accuracy retained, it is observed that the dynamic buckling load depends, among others, on the value of the first derivative of the loading function evaluated at the initial time. All results are asymptotic and implicit in the load amplitude.

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Posted September 27, 2019 03:47

Calendar September 25, 2019 08:04

A space of pseudoquotients ß(X,G) is defined as the set of equivalence classes of pairs (x, g), where x X, an arbitrary non-empty set, and g G, a commutative semigroup acting on X such that (x, g)~(y, h) if hx = gy. In this paper, we shall construct the pseudoquotient space ß(ΠXi,ΠGi) where X is replaced by a cartesian product of countably infinite non-empty sets Xi and G by a direct product denumerable commutative semigroups Gi, i I an indexing set, such that ΠGi acts injectively on ΠXi.

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Posted September 25, 2019 08:04

In this paper the concept of semi-total monophonic domination number of a graph is introduced. A set of vertices  of a graph  is called a total monophonic set if  is a monophonic set and its induced subgraph has no isolated vertices. The minimum cardinality of all total monophonic sets of  is called the total monophonic number and is denoted by.  A set of vertices  in  is called a monophonic dominating set if  is both a monophonic set and a dominating set. The minimum cardinality of a monophonic dominating set of  is its monophonic domination number and is denoted by . A monophonic dominating set of size  is said to be a  set. A set  of vertices in a graph  with no isolated vertices is said to be a semi-total monophonic set of   if it is a monophonic set of   and every vertex in  is within distance 2 of another vertex of . The semi-total monophonic AMS Subject classification:  05C12 number, denoted by , is the minimum cardinality of a semitotal monophonic dominating set of .

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Posted September 25, 2019 08:04

Calendar September 23, 2019 07:45

The transportation problem is the most important and successful application of linear programming studied in the area of operations research. In the past few decades, new approaches have been developed to improve the components of the existing platform. This paper presents recent advances on reliable methods for solving transportation problem and fuzzy transportation problem through a survey table in which our comments as a remark has been included. An attempt has been made to provide a variety of methods to solve the transportation problem within a limited structure; through which ideas could be developed for designing new algorithms. It provides a better platform for further research work in the area of transportation problem.

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Posted September 23, 2019 07:45

Calendar September 23, 2019 07:43

In this paper, a new processing sensor data method base on neural networks and principal component analysis block is presented in order to identify the gas type and to estimate the gas concentration. Three gases in thirteen different concentrations have been examined including methanol, ethanol, and 2-propanol. For temperature modulation, the stair-case voltage was applied to the sensor heater at spans of 40s in 200s. In each of the obtained curves, at any span, transient and steady state responses were recorded. These recorded properties are analyzed using the usual methods of pattern recognition. Principal component analysis was used to increase the selectivity of the sensor and the neural network was used to recognize the type and estimate the gas concentration. In this study, we have achieved the separation of gases successfully as well as average estimation error concentration was calculated to be 0.00358%.


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Posted September 23, 2019 07:43

Calendar September 21, 2019 05:27

The main focus of medical image enhancement is to create an image which is more appropriate and efficient than the original image for the particular application. Several conventional and fuzzy based enhancement techniques have been proposed already for medical imaging. However, these methods develop various disagreeable visual issues such as level diffusion, uplifted noise level and over and under enhancement. To overcome these issues, this paper presents an enhancement technique based on normalisation, S function and radon transform. Initially, the input image is normalised so that the gray level of input image lies between [0,255] and fuzzified the normalised image by employing ramp function. Then S function is used to create a modification in the fuzzified image and subsequently, radon transform is carried out to avoid unwanted signal. Finally, the defuzzification process is done to show the effectiveness of the enhanced image. A simulation result demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed technique.


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Posted September 21, 2019 05:27

Calendar September 21, 2019 05:26

In the present study, the Casson fluid flow over a vertical porous surface with chemical reaction is investigated. The governing partial differential equations are converted into ordinary differential equations by using similarity transformations. The reduced system of equations is then solved using an implicit FDM known as the Keller Box method. The velocity and concentration profiles are examined for various changes in the different governing parameters like the Casson parameter, suction parameter, Grash of number, and the Schmidt number.


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Posted September 21, 2019 05:26

Calendar September 19, 2019 07:31

Aims: In this study, a class of Dirac operators with boundary conditions depend on the m−th degree polynomial of spectral parameter have been considered.

Results: Properties of spectral characteristic are investigated and uniqueness theorems for the inverse problem are proved for this operator.

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Posted September 19, 2019 07:31

Calendar September 19, 2019 07:30

The concept of fundamental group of a topological space is explored with Seifert van-Kampen theorem and how they contribute to differentiating between some geometric surfaces.  Some useful results and concepts of group theory together with classification of surfaces will serve as a prerequisite to enhance the study of the concept and some of its applications will be introduced, studied and proved.

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Posted September 19, 2019 07:30

Calendar September 17, 2019 06:21

The chief object of this paper is to give the true foundation of the calculus, differential and integral, in the doctrine of zero and infinity as given in the Lilavati of Bhaskara II.

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Posted September 17, 2019 06:21

It is usual to prove that every Euclidean domain (ED) is a principal ideal domain (PID). This work developed and used inequalities to show that every Euclidean domain (ED) is a principal ideal domain and that the converse does not hold. It shows how the field norm may be applied to prove a simple result about the ring R of algebraic integers in complex quadratic fields Q √-M which are Euclidean domains (EDs) and principal ideal domains (PIDs). Finally, how universal side divisors may be applied to prove some results about principal ideal domains (PIDs) which are not Euclidean domains (non-EDs).

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Posted September 17, 2019 06:21

Calendar September 16, 2019 06:42

This paper studies the optimal control representation of dynamic system of stochastic volatility model and presents a dynamic game solution to the problem. First, the optimal control problem in a SV model, in the form of dynamic system, is presented. Then, it is interpreted as a dynamic game and is solved using Bellman equation. The price model is taken from [1] and the SV model comes from Heston SV model.


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Posted September 16, 2019 06:42

In the year 1988 Guo [1] introduced the integral modification of Meyer Konig and Zeller operators and studied the rate of convergence for functions of bounded variation. Gupta [2] gave the sharp estimates for these operators. This paper is an extensive survey on the Meyer-K¨onig and Zeller operators. It includes most of the modifications they have undergone through the years. We compute rate of convergence of the defined operators by means of modulus of continuity.

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Posted September 16, 2019 06:42

Calendar September 13, 2019 06:49

In this study, we present a simple and efficient root-finding algorithm for approximating the solution of scalar nonlinear equations. The proposed iterative scheme is based on geometric considerations using only the first-order derivative associated with the nonlinear function in question. The predictive capabilities of this numerical procedure for providing an accurate approximate solution associated with a nonlinear equation are tested, assessed and discussed on some examples.

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Posted September 13, 2019 06:49