Calendar July 7, 2018 06:37



Field experiments were conducted for two years (2012 - 13 and 2013 - 14) ) on heavy clay soils, with 65 % clay, 24% silt, 11% sand and a pH of 7.5–8.5 in Kenana Sugar Scheme, Sudan (latitude 13°10` N and longitude 32°40` E) to investigate the response of sugarcane growth and yield of four sugarcane cultivars; namely; Co 6806, Co 997, R 579 and TUC 75-3 to irrigation regimes applied at the depletion levels of 25-30%, 55-60% and 75-80% of available soil moisture. In both seasons, the irrigation treatments were applied three months after sowing and continued till the crop was 13 months old. The reference evapotranspiration for Kenana Sugar Scheme was computed using Penman-Monteith approach. The amount of water required for irrigating sugarcane plants was calculated. The results revealed that irrigation based on the depletion of 75-80% of available soil moisture led to a decreased yield and yield components, whereas the best yield and yield components resulted when irrigating at 55-60% depletion of available soil moisture followed by 25-30% depletion. Regarding the effect of irrigation at different soil moisture levels on cane and sugar yields results showed that irrigation based on the depletion of 55-60% had out-yielded those of 25-30% and 75-80% depletion of available soil moisture. With respect to the performance of the cultivars the highest cane and sugar yield was obtained from the cultivar Co 6806 followed by cultivars Co 997, R 579 and TUC 75- 3. The present study also stated that a further increase in irrigation amount resulting from irrigating at 25-30% depletion of the available soil moisture did not increase the marketable yield of the sugarcane crop but significantly (P ≤0.05) reduced the irrigation production efficiency.


Keywords :

Sugarcane cultivars; evapotranspiration; significantly.

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Posted July 7, 2018 06:37

Calendar July 7, 2018 06:30



Aim: The experiment was carried to study the performance of cactus genotypes for salt tolerance under in vitroconditions.

Study Design: The experiments were laid out in completely randomized (CRD) with three replications.

Place and Duration of Study: Mekelle Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia during 2013/2014.

Methodology: Six genotypes namely Suluhna, Gerao, Lemats Beles, Keyih Beles, Limo and Shenkor were used for this study. Callus was initiated in MS medium 4 mg/l Dichlorophenyl Acetic Acid( 2,4- D ) + 0.5 mg/l 6- Benzyl Adenine (BA) and different concentration of Sodium chloride (NaCl) 0 mM, 50 mM, 100 mM, 150 mM and  200 mM were added to the medium to create salt stress.

Results: Data analysis revealed that all the genotypes and treatments and their interaction effect were significantly different from each other. The grown genotypes at different level of salinity showed significant variation on days required for callus induction.  Among the six genotypes plated at MS medium supplemented with 0 mM NaCl and 50 M NaCl, Suluhna was significantly superior for callus induction with 100% and 66.7%, respectively followed by Gerao (91.7%), Lemats Beles (91.7%). At MS medium supplemented with 50 mM NaCl, the highest callus fresh weight was recorded in Suluhna genotype 4.91 g and the least was in genotype Shenkor 3.52 g. When the callus for these genotypes were transferred to regeneration media in the same level of NaCl stress at 50 mM, the highest level of  shoot regeneration was observed in Suluhna ( 41.6%) followed by Gerao and Keyih Beles (33.3%). A decreasing pattern in number of shoot of the cactus genotypes were observed with increasing salinity levels, at MS medium supplemented with 50 mM NaCl from spineless genotype, Suluhna had also showed higher shoot number (7.0) and the lowest was recorded at Limo (3.0). Shoot number was adversely affected at 100 mM NaCl. In the proliferation culture media, shoot length was significantly affected by the NaCl treatments. The rooting parameters decreased significantly from 50mM NaCl and no rooting occurred when explants were grown with 100 mM NaCl.

Conclusion: All in vitro growing cactus genotypes were found to be sensitive in NaCl above 50 mM NaCl. This in vitroscreening technique with different concentration of NaCl stress could also be used as a good screening technique for salt tolerances rather than the field screening because of efficient cell line development and requires less time, space and labour.


Keywords :Callus induction; regeneration; sodium chloride.

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Posted July 7, 2018 06:30

Calendar July 7, 2018 06:18



In this paper, we discuss the value distribution of the deficiencies of algebroid functions and their differential polynomials, and we derive the results of H. S. Gopalkrishna and Subhas. S. Bhooanurmath [1] to algebroid functions.


Keywords :Value distribution theory; nevanlinna theory; algebroid functions; differential polynomial.

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Posted July 7, 2018 06:18

Calendar July 6, 2018 02:41



Synthesis of dates involves their centralizing data based on different criteria are used for drawing the necessary synthesis to inform managers as decision support. Because it appears that the synthesis process of exploring data whose volume is huge classical methods have become ineffective, are used more frequently offered by modern information technology solutions OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) are as soft media support transactional database systems. OLAP is a category of software technology that enables analysts, managers and those of execution of economic organization to receive a fast, consistent and interactive data warehouse. By centralizing technology, it transforms data into information synthesis and ensures their analysis. Thus, I proposed in this paper is developing this technology, to its present characteristics, modeling approach to multidimensional databases multidimensional OLAP operations on the hypercube and ended with a set of conclusions which reveal that applications built OLAP technology can find its place in the activity of any type of economic organization, as has the advantage of lower response time.


Keywords :Databases, data warehouses, dimensions, multidimensional analysis.

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Posted July 6, 2018 02:41

Calendar July 6, 2018 02:33



Fibre is a collective term for a group of compounds, which differ in their chemical structure and physical properties and is related with a variety of physiological effects. Some health benefits such as the reduced risks of certain diseases like cancer, coronary heart disease, obesity and possibly diabetes are linked with dietary fibre consumption. Given this importance, the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of the Portuguese population regarding dietary fibre were investigated by undertaking a consumer survey by means of a questionnaire that would allow understanding the level of knowledge and attitudes towards fibre and how this could help to inform educational or agricultural policies to improve public health.
The results obtained showed that most of the population had a general knowledge about fibre and individuals who tend to eat out frequently or who show little concern for fibre are more likely to lack knowledge of the connection between foods and fibers. Also, individuals who were less concerned with fibre tended to eat less fibre in the form of fruit, vegetables and whole cereals.
A factor analysis was performed to group the knowledge about food fibres, and it revealed that the most appropriate solution involved three factors (health effect, food and fibres, and general knowledge), explaining 76% of the variance in the original data.
Furthermore, three clusters, with similar sample percentage, were identified through a cluster analysis: people that can be considered as practising a healthy diet, people who eat out, and people who do not concern about fibre and its effects. Consumers from all three clusters have a general knowledge about dietary fibres and their benefits for health. Yet only the food and fibres factor is a significant differentiator between the three consumer segments.
The socio-demographic factors age, level of education, and location had no effect on quality perception of dietary fibres between the segments, but the women perceived dietary fibres as being healthy more than men did. Finally, the cluster of healthy diet has an attitude more responsible towards the food labels when compared to the other two clusters members.


Keywords :Consumer, food fibre, dietary fibre, diet, health, cluster analysis, factor analysis.

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Posted July 6, 2018 02:33

Calendar July 6, 2018 02:21

Biotechnology of Rice: Present Limitations and Future Prospects



Rice is the major food crop of more than half of the world population, and with the growing population, the demand on the improvement of this cereal crop has also been increase. The conventional breeding techniques which have been used have the limitations of being time consuming and also only closely related species can be crossed, rather limiting the gene pool available for improvement. Hence, the crop improvement by genetic engineering has an edge over the other methods as not only does it allow for the introduction of new characters from unrelated species, the procedures are not that time consuming. Rice suffers from major yield losses every year due to its susceptibility to various pathogens and abiotic stresses. The tissue culture of rice is fairly well standardized and has now become a routine technique. Besides, a number of gene transfer methods notably particle gun and Agrobacterium mediated methods have been used to transform various rice genotypes. There are now several reports of rice transgenics with various useful genes, which confer resistance to insect, pests, diseases, and tolerance to abiotic stresses, as well as the improvement of the nutritional value of the plant. In spite of, such efforts in the direction of improvement of rice crop, several draw backs need to be over come as well as the present technology be harnessed to the fullest to improve the quality of rice and to minimize the losses due to pathogens and unfavourable environmental conditions.


Keywords :Oryza sativa, Rice, Plant regeneration, Plant transformation, Particle gun, Agrobacterium

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Posted July 6, 2018 02:21