Calendar February 6, 2020 03:58

Antifungal development of solvent extract of Heterostemma trilobactum have been investigated against human pathogenic developments, for instance, Aspergillus sp., Candida albicans and Fusarium moniliform. The various solvents expels were viewed as amazing against test living thing anyway the ethyl acetate induction and ethanol isolates appeared, apparently, to be best antifungal pros when diverged from watery and chloroform remove. Overpowering ailments address an essential issue to prosperity and they are one of the essential driver of hopelessness and mortality around the globe. The assurance from against contamination specialists and with the peril during postponed treatment with a couple of prescriptions due to this helpful plants are commonly used by the ordinary remedial experts for assuaging various diseases in their regular practice. Since old events, plants have been a model wellspring of drug. They showed the information concerning the new profile of antifungal meds obtaining from remedial plants.

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Posted February 6, 2020 03:58

Calendar February 5, 2020 06:53

The compound possessing benzoid skeleton has been obtained from the leaves of an endemic plant to Western Ghats, Salacia beddomei a prospective medicinal plant. The Structure of the isolated compound was characterized based on spectroscopic analysis. The antimicrobial, antifeedant and insecticidal capability of the isolated terpenoid were evaluated. The results revealed that the isolated metabolite showed significant bioactivities which could be utilized for therapeutical research.

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Posted February 5, 2020 06:53

Calendar February 4, 2020 04:54

The seeds of Terminalia sp. were evaluated for their nutritional characters to utilize them for humans. Immediate examinations indicated that the seed contained 3.95% dampness, 24.78% unrefined protein, 5.36% debris, 3.94% rough fiber, 53.75% fats, 17.05% sugar and 549.65 Kcal Calorific esteem. The seeds were seen as great wellsprings of minerals. Potassium (9285 ± 0.22 mg) was the uppermost, followed in plunging request by Ca (837.20±1.28 mg), Mg (788.68 ± 0.21 mg) and Na (24.69± 0.32 mg). The oil was observed to be high in un immersed greasy acids, particularly oleic and linoleic.

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Posted February 4, 2020 04:54

Calendar February 4, 2020 04:53

Medicinal plants are very rich in valuable metabolites. These metabolites will act as drug. Tulasi ssbelongs to one of the medicinal plant. It has both primary and secondary metabolites. A long back they are using for different purposes. It will act as anti microbial, antifungal and anti viral agents for many diseases. The most important thing is it has eugenol which will act as pain killer. In our present study we used main three parts of tulasi based to identify the different metabolites.

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Posted February 4, 2020 04:53

It is very essential for plant breeders to determine genetic variation for the growth of elevated yield choice. The objective of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of 3 tamarind samples, random exploitation of enhanced polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Tamarind plants were sampled in 3 environmental zones covering domestically known fruit morphotypes. On 3000 fruits and flowers, 12 morphological descriptors were evaluated. Univariate and canonical analyses carried out on morphological descriptors revealed essential similarities and verified the difference between morphotypes as viewed by indigenous people. However, the assessment of variance components showed significant differences within morphotypes, indicating a great heterogeneity within seeds historically categorized as belonging to an equal morphotype. Quantitative descriptors should, therefore, be coupled with domestically perceived qualitative characteristics (pulp style and color) in order to cause a bunch of strong morphological discrimination. The differences discovered were significantly linked to ecological factors. The size and mass of fruits and seeds are cared for with increased wetness and decreased with aridity. Results also stated that fruit mass could be an intelligent pulp output expression, although its predictive strength varied among morphotypes. Outputs from the variance component assessment recommended that if any genetic tests were not finished, germplasm assortment should be performed by testing a mild variety of forests per morphotype to ensure that a big variety of genetic diversity is captured. 10 Random modified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers were used to evaluate tamarind trees ' genetic variety. At the molecular stage, genotypes that were strongly linked morphologically were discovered to be unrelated. A significant amount of intra-population variation reported in the donation research that could be used in interbreeding programs to introgress the intriguing characteristic of concern with effectiveness.

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Posted February 4, 2020 04:53

Calendar February 3, 2020 03:04

The medicinal properties of holy basil have made us to further concentrate on its properties. The methanol and ethanol extracts of the plant Ocimum tenuiflorum was taken using Soxhlet extraction method. The phytochemical profile of both the extracts was observed for certain compounds. The extract was taken in different concentrations and was tested against three bacterial species (Bacillus Subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) and three fungal species (Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Candida albicans). The estimation of secondary metabolite, Alkaloid estimation was done and was observed using thin layer chromatograph.

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Posted February 3, 2020 03:04

Calendar February 1, 2020 04:10

Composite samples were collected from the six refuse dumpsites and analyzed for heavy metals concentrations using atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS VGB 210 system). The concentrations of the heavy metals in (mg/Kg) were in the following order: Fe>Mn>Cu>Zn>Ni>Co>Cd>V>Pb. The values of the heavy metals observed in the different dumpsites were lower than their corresponding average value in shale. However, the values from the different dumpsites showed some relationship with industrial activities. In each of the metals, the highest values were obtained in parts of Port Harcourt where there is serious presence of industrial work. The contamination factor (CF) revealed that dumpsites soils were not contaminated with any of the heavy metals and do not seem to pose danger presently. Therefore, more regulatory activities by the relevant agencies should be put in place as to forestall future occurrence of accumulation that might pose danger to the environment.

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Posted February 1, 2020 04:10

Plastic is considering the mother industry to hundreds of products but the lack of biodegradability focused attention on a potentially huge environmental pollution problem. Aliphatic polyesters, poly (ε-caprolactone) (PCL) are biodegradable by microorganisms, which possess cutinolytic enzymes. Alternaria alternata-ST01, showed both high growth and enzyme activity on yeast glucose malt broth (YGMB) medium fed with PCL film than on YGMB medium without PCL film under shaking and stationary conditions. The hydrolytic enzyme activity of the culture on ρ-nitrophenylpalmitate indicated the fungus possesses cutinase. This activity was confirmed by the degradation of PCL film, which reached the maximum (72.09%) and (56.49%) within a short time (15 days) under shaking and stationary conditions respectively. Interestingly, in the absence of carbohydrate source in the YM medium, the fungus depends on PCL and the degradation was stimulated to record 93.33% on the 15th day. The non-significant relationship was recorded between the enzyme and protein production and the pH value. Scanning electron microscope showed cracks and erosion on the PCL film surface treated with A. alternata-ST01. These results suggest that the extracellular cutinase of Alternaria alternata-ST01 may be useful for the biological degradation of plastic wastes.

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Posted February 1, 2020 04:10

Calendar February 1, 2020 04:09

The present study describes the isolation of some unique bacteria from soil and compost samples on a culture medium prepared from the leaves of Parthenium hysterophorus (Carrot Grass). On the basis of colony morphology, 12 morphotypes were selected that were found to exhibit plant growth promoting activities by production of IAA and solubilizing phosphate. Out of these, 3 bacterial isolates were found to significantly stimulate the growth of Chickpea plant grown in a pot under normal environmental conditions. The major growth parameters that were positively influenced by bacterial treatment were plant height, root length, root width and root dry weight. The 16S rRNA gene sequences of these three isolates shared maximum homology with Methylorubrum rhodesianum with varying percentage of similarity.

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Posted February 1, 2020 04:09

The plant Avicennia marina is broadly used in traditional medicine for the treatment of various ailments. Therapeutic plants have been studied for phytochemical analysis since most of the biological activities are due to the presence of phytoconstituents. This paper deals with the phytochemical determination of Avicennia marina plant using various solvent extracts such as hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methanol based on the polarity. Various tests were performed for analysis. The results revealed that all the extracts of the plant had a wide range of phytochemicals such as phenol, flavonoid, tannin, saponin, steroid, terpenoids.

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Posted February 1, 2020 04:09

Calendar January 31, 2020 07:11

Plants are the primary food producers and they comprise the essential wellspring of carbon, nutrients, minerals, protein and unsaturated fats. Plant proteins can help in anticipation of cardiovascular illness, disease, bone misfortune and diabetes. Cereal grains, legumes including oil-seed provide proteins to the entire animal kingdom. Plant enzymes like proteases, amylases, cellulose and lipase are useful in the digestion of raw food. Plants have been used to treat many ailments from time immemorial. Moreover, much work has been done to study the therapeutic effect of secondary metabolites from plants rather than the primary metabolites namely proteins, carbohydrates, enzymes and lipids. This review stresses upon the use of plant proteins and enzymes as a whole for treating diseases/disorders rather than the secondary metabolites.

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Posted January 31, 2020 07:11

Calendar January 30, 2020 03:37

Investigation to find out the amount of variability present in the Crossandra [Crossandra infundibuliformis (L.) Nees] was carried out at Horticultural College and Research Institute, Periyakulam during 2016-17 using local Nilakottai genotype. The mutagens employed were gamma rays at different estimates of phenotypic variance (phenotypic variation) were higher compared to the genotypic variance (genotypic variation) for all growth and flower characters, indicating the influence of environment. Among the morphological characters studied, high (phenotypic and genotypic variation) were recorded for a number of flowers per plant. Whereas all the other traits showed moderate to low values. All the traits recorded very high heritability in M2 generation in mutant populations of Nilakottai local. The genetic advance as per cent of the mean was high for plant height, number of leaves, internodal length, number of branches, length of the branch, number of days for first flower to emerge, number of spikes per plant, number of flowers per spike, number of flowers per plant, length of spike, yield of flowers per plant, weight of 100 flowers. High heritability values recorded for all the traits measured indicates that genetic variation can be created using Nilakottai local thus ensure continuous improvement through breeding of Crossandra plant.

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Posted January 30, 2020 03:37

Calendar January 28, 2020 04:45

Adsorption is the adherence to a surface of atoms, ions, or molecules from a gas, liquid, or dissolved solid. This method produces an adsorbent film on the adsorbent's ground. In the present study, Ulva intestinalis (formerly Enteromorpha intestinalis) a member of Cyanophyceae collected form Covelong, Southeast coast of Tamil Nadu was used for adsorbing methyl orange and phenol red. The results showed that at 60 min of treating the phenol red dye with seaweed yield maximum reduction (44%) of colour and in case of methyl orange 47.4% colour reduction occurred after 60 min.

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Posted January 28, 2020 04:45

Calendar January 27, 2020 06:48

Mangrove crops were used in drugs for folklore. Mangroves are woody trees and shrubs that develop in tropical and subtropical intertidal areas. A. marina, frequently referred to as gray mangrove or white mangrove, is a mangrove species categorized as Acanthaceae (formerly Verbenaceae or Avicenniaceae) crop genus. It happens in the intertidal regions of estuarine areas, as with other mangroves. The A. marina samples have more effective antioxidant activity. This survey report views on various antimicrobial and phytochemical activities of Avicennia species.

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Posted January 27, 2020 06:48

Calendar January 25, 2020 01:44

Overwhelming metals are one of the most significant natural poisons. An examination was done to discover the impact of aluminium in hydroponics culture on the germination of Raphanus sativus, Vigna radiata and Cicer arietinum. The plants were permitted to develop in fixed hydroponic culture at different groupings of aluminium chloride at various concentrations (0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mM). It was discovered that there was abatement in germination rate with an expansion in the centralization of the aluminium. Raphanus sativus and Vigna radiata seeds were able to withstand an aluminium concentration of 10 mM and 25 mM, respectively while Cicer arietinum was very sensitive to Al and could withstand only up to 5 mM of aluminium.

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Posted January 25, 2020 01:44

Calendar January 24, 2020 04:36

Nowadays finding the Easy and Economical way to treat the industrial wastewater is the raising ideas in newer technology. In this work adsorption of methylene blue using various adsorbent such as groundnut shell, and tea waste were used in batch studies at a constant dye concentration of 300 mg/l, adsorbent dose of 0.5 gm groundnut shell powder, and Spent tea powder. The time of Agitation was varied by 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 min. After the time of agitation of 100 min, Maximum dye removal of 86% was observed in spent tea powder and 80% was observed in Groundnut shell powder.

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Posted January 24, 2020 04:36

Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between substituted benzoyl chlorides (1) and ammonium thiocyanate (2) were investigated theoretically and experimentally using the DFT method at M062x/6‐311G++(2d,2p) level of theory and UV-vis spectrophotometry technique, respectively. The reaction followed second‐order kinetics according to the effect of concentration on the reaction rate. The solvent effect demonstrates that media with the lower dielectric constant is in favour of the reaction rate. On the basis of  the Eyring plot, activation parameters were determined in a lower dielectric constant solvent such as 1,4 dioxane, the low value of ∆G (58.7 kJ mol-1) in this solvent relation to polar solvent, help to increase the reaction rate. In fact, unfavourable ∆S value (-188.18 J mol-1 K-1) can be compensated by the favourable ∆H value (lower, 4.01 kJ mol-1). In this case, the reaction is entropy controlled, while in the polar solvent (acetonitrile), the unfavourable ∆H value (higher, 45.6 kJ mol-1) can be compensated by the favourable ∆S value (-80.9 J mol-1 K-1), so the reaction is enthalpy-controlled. Different substituents examined on the reaction rate in both methods. The rate constant was in favour of strong para electron-withdrawing substituent (EWS) groups (i.e. NO2) on benzoyl chloride. A comparison of theoretical and experimental rate constant values in both methods indicated differences between data. This is expected, because of the real liquid phase (for experimental results) has a great difference from the unlike liquid phase (for theoretical data). Hammet study, exhibited that the large value of ρ=1.94 imply that TS structure is constructed with negative charges; hence, EWS plays a significant role in stabilizing TS character for increasing the reaction rate. The result of this study confirmed that the reactions in the presence of various para-substituted benzoyl chlorides have the same kinetics role. Also, the effect of leaving group was studied on the reaction between (1) and (2), theoretically. The result showed that the reaction rate in the presence of benzoyl bromide has been increased approximately 25 times more in the gas phase and also 170 times more in a liquid phase, compared to benzoyl chloride. A linear dependence of ΔH versus ΔS approved based on the isokinetic and Exner equations, so the reaction exhibited the same kinetics role in the different solvents.

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Posted January 24, 2020 04:36

Calendar January 23, 2020 03:59

The present study was undertaken to evaluate various Genetic parameters like Variability, Heritability, Genetic advance and Genetic advance percent as mean for twenty-six genotypes of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) L. by using RBD design in Rabi 2018 – 2019 at Experimental farm of the lovely professional university, Punjab. High phenotypic and genotypic coefficient variation (PCV and GCV) was reported in number of secondary branches (38.98 and 33.82), harvest index (35.58 and 25.49), biological yield (35.40 and 30.24), seed yield per plant (31.02 and 29.18) and number of primary (24.04 and 20.83), High magnitude heritability was recorded in all most all characters except harvest index and seeds per silique. High genetic advance recorded for plant height (42.06), length of the main shoot (42.35) and biological yield (45.47), genetic advance percent mean recorded high recorded for all most all traits except days to first flower, whereas selection of above traits would help in the effective improvement on seed yield per plant.

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Posted January 23, 2020 03:59

Calendar January 23, 2020 03:58

Nendran is the popular variety grown commercially in different regions due to its wider adaptability and high degree of tolerance to drought in a perennial cropping system. A field experiment was performed in randomized block design with ten treatments of various ratios of nitrogen and potassium to study their nutrient concentrations in banana leaves and soil at vegetative and harvesting stage. The results revealed that the treatment 9 with the ratio of N250P80K400 showed the highest mineral content in leaves at both the vegetative and harvesting stage. Therefore the fertilizers with the dosage of N250P80K400 are optimum for growing the plants.

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Posted January 23, 2020 03:58

Calendar January 23, 2020 03:57

The present study was designed to evaluate the antibacterial activities of Swietenia macrophylla crude methanolic (SMCM) seed extract. The antimicrobial activity of the oily extract against Gram-positive, Gram-negative, yeast and fungus strains was evaluated based on the inhibition zone using disc diffusion assay, minimal inhibition concentration (MIC) and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) values. The crude extract was subjected to various phytochemicals analysis. The demonstrated qualitative phytochemical tests exhibited the presences of common phytocompounds including alkaloids, terpenoids, antraquinones, cardiac glycosides, saponins, and volatile oils as major active constituents. The SMCM seed extract had inhibitory effects on the growth of Candida albicans, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and illustrated MIC and MBC values ranging from 25 mg/ml to 50 mg/ml.

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Posted January 23, 2020 03:57