Calendar November 2, 2018 05:34


This study focused on the role of empowerment leadership style by principals on job satisfaction of teachers of unity colleges in Enugu State. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The main purpose of the study was to investigate how the teachers in unity colleges in Enugu and Lejja agree that empowering leadership style of the principals lead to their job satisfaction and effective teaching and learning. Two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. 15-Item questionnaire on principal empowerment leadership style and teachers job satisfaction was constructed to gather information from the unity college teachers. The questionnaire was face validated by experts in faculty of Education. The reliability of the instrument was determined using Kudar Richardson formula 21 and found to be at 0.86. The instrument is based on a four point likert scale and was administered to 200 teachers in Enugu and Lejja unity colleges. The data obtained were analyzed using mean scores, standard deviations and t-test statistic. A major finding of this study was that teachers agreed that empowerment leadership style of the principals lead to their job satisfaction. Based on the findings of the study, one of the recommendations made was that the Federal Ministry of Education should expressly ensure that principals give teachers authority over issues within the school.

Empowerment, job satisfaction, teachers, principals and unity colleges
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Posted November 2, 2018 05:34

Calendar November 2, 2018 05:29


Recently, the international community has been confronted by many challenges that have threatened global peace, stability and security. One of such challenges is the irregular migration from Africa to Europe. This desperate but dangerous journey (otherwise called the backway syndrome) is believed to have been motivated by a number of factors, mainly economic, political and socio-cultural and as such has led to innumerable losses of lives and resources. A critical look at these journeys and the number of people that have died in the process reminds us of the transatlantic slave trade of the 16th century. This paper explores the causes and consequences of this occurrence and juxtaposes it with the transatlantic slave trade. It argues that Africa’s irregular migration to Europe in this 21st century is a re-enactment of the outdated transatlantic slave trade. The author views with concern the damage the dangerous venture does to Africa’s economic and human capital development with desperation for final solution to end it once and for all. The study adopts a descriptive and qualitative strategy of inquiry and data collection methods, which focuses on group discussion and personal interviews from randomly drawn groups and individuals from West Africa. A literature review is also employed to supplement these existing knowledge sources. The author comes to the conclusion that the harsh socio- economic and political conditions in Africa, the great expectations which African youths have about Europe and the global factors are among the major factors that have driven them out of Africa to Europe. The author concludes that, not until Africa is made conducive to its people will this ugly phenomenon be effectively curbed.

Irregular, migration, domestic and international, economic development, European Union, Africa
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Posted November 2, 2018 05:29

Calendar July 27, 2018 05:21



In this paper, we propose a general formula for the transmission probability for electron transfer through linear nC20(n=6) oligomers sandwiched between two Au electrodes, by assuming linear nC20 as line model. We consider three configurations are (A), (B) and (C), in the configuration (A), the carbon atoms of the two pentagonal rings mutually are coupled together; In the configuration (B) C20 molecules are connected together with coupling atoms of the two adjacent bonds and in configuration (C) the two C20 molecules are connected together by a single C-C bond. We investigated I-V characteristics and the temperature-dependent conductance for the ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ configurations. It is found that, configuration (A) is a good conductor, while configuration (C) is insulator in the range bias voltage from -2V to 2V.


Keywords : Transport properties; conductance; electric current; fullerene.

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Posted July 27, 2018 05:21

Calendar July 27, 2018 05:18



Albrecht introduced the concept of hamartoma at the beginning of the twentieth century to designate a tumor like but non neoplastic malformation or inborn error of tissue development. The formation of these growths take place by abnormal mixing or fundamental disturbance in the course of development. The pathogenesis of hamartoma in the head and neck region remains unclear. Because of its low clinical morbidity and nonspecific symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of these lesions remain a challenge. It is important to differentiate hamartomas from related lesions like malformations, choriostomas, teratomas and benign tumors; which may present as a diagnostic dilemma. Yet their benign nature warrants a precise diagnosis in order to prevent an invasive treatment. As such there is no well-established classification of hamartomas of the head and neck. Here we make an attempt to classify there rare lesions based on their origin, which may provide an insight into the nature of these lesions and further guide to formulate a diagnosis.


Keywords : Hamartoma; head and neck; pathogenesis; classification.

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Posted July 27, 2018 05:18

Calendar July 27, 2018 05:15



Tetanus, a vaccine-preventable neuroinvasive disease, is caused by Clostridium tetani. Although incidence rates in the western world have decreased drastically when compared with developing nations, these numbers will be on the rise given the increasing immigration rates to developed countries, as seen in recent outbreaks of several other vaccine-preventable diseases in the United States of America. This article highlights a case of a Zimbabwean man with an unexpected method of C. tetani inoculation through application of elephant dung on a malignant foot lesion, and the need for western-world physicians to be aware of this unique presentation. This review emphasizes the utmost importance of early and accurate tetanus diagnosis, and provides a review of the available literature on its coordinated multidisciplinary management approach, most of which is supportive and includes source control, toxin neutralization, airway management, muscle spasm control, hemodynamic support with vasopressors, adequate nutrition, and a discussion on vaccination. Given the bolstering immigration rates, vaccine-preventable diseases, such as tetanus, will become more prevalent in developed nations given that a large proportion of individuals from developing nations are unvaccinated. Physicians in the western world should be aware of these circumstances, and should target these patients in order to stride towards eradication of vaccine-preventable diseases such as tetanus.


Keywords : Tetanus; Clostridium tetani; vaccination; mechanical ventilation; tetanus toxoid.

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Posted July 27, 2018 05:15

Calendar July 27, 2018 05:12



At present over 90% of world energy is thermal energy. Thus the question is how to determine the energy potential of various fuels and combustible substances. The experimental measurement of thermal energy is carried out by burning of dehydrated samples in a special device - bomb calorimeter filled with oxygen under pressure. The bomb calorimeter is a complex, expensive and not always available device. In addition, the measurement of heating value is lengthy and requires multiple repetitions to obtain a reliable result. Therefore, numerous studies were performed to develop express methods for calculating the heating values of various combustible organic fuels, substances and materials. In this paper a relationship between net heating value (q) and oxygen consumption (NO2) has been studied for various types of fuels, organic low-molecular compounds, synthetic polymers and biopolymers. The linear dependence q=f (NO2) was confirmed, which can be described by the equation: q = Eq NO2, where average energetic parameter of oxygen is Eq = 418 13 kJ/mole O2. This equation provides a calculation of the net heating values of various substances with an average relative deviation (ARD) of 6%. To reduce the deviation of calculated values from experimental heating values a variable energetic parameter, Eq,v, in the range of 406 to 430 kJ/mole O2 for similar types of substances was found. However, in the cases where it is difficult to determine the type of combustible substance, the use of variable parameter, Eq,v, is not possible. As a result of further research a quite precise equation with a constant value of the general energetic parameter of oxygen Eo= 412.8 kJ/mol O2 was derived, which is suitable for calculating the net heating values of various types of organic substances with ARD of 1%: qc,o = Eo NO2,c, where corrected oxygen consumption NO2,c = c + 0.81 s + 0.24 h – 0.43 o; and c, s, h, o are numbers of the corresponding atoms in molecule of low-molecular compound or in repeat link of polymer.


Keywords : Fuels; organic substances; synthetic polymers; biopolymers; heating value; oxygen consumption; calculations.

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Posted July 27, 2018 05:12

Calendar July 27, 2018 05:09



The study produced α-amylase from a bacterium isolated from decayed plantain peel with a view to obtaining a microorganism candidate for the production of the enzyme for industrial uses. The unripe plantains were purchased and allowed to decay, serially diluted and plated on agar plate. Isolates from the plates were screened for amylase activity using starch agar. The bacterium with the highest amylase activity was selected for enzyme production. Optimal conditions for enzyme production by the bacterium were determined. Five strains of Bacillus sp. were isolated from the decayed plantain peel. They were identified as Bacillus sp. The organism with highest amylolytic activity was further identified molecularly as Bacillus brevis RD8. The peak of amylase activity was at 32h of incubation (174 Units/ml). The optimum pH and temperature for the production of Bacillus brevis RD8 α-amylase is 7 and 35°C respectively. The result revealed that 1.5% plantain peel composition of the enzyme production medium produced the highest enzyme activity of 103.2 ± 1.3 Units/ml. Peptone as a nitrogen source gave a better enzyme activity of 185.5 ± 3.2 Units/ml. Soluble starch as a carbon source gave the highest activity of 164.5 ± 4.0 Units/ml. The study concluded that α-amylase synthesized by Bacillus brevis RD8 is moderately thermostable and able to degrade many cheap raw starches and can therefore find applications in the food industry.


Keywords : Enzymes; decayed plantain; bacteria; amylase.

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Posted July 27, 2018 05:09

Calendar July 27, 2018 05:06



Objectives: The objective of this study was to assess the outcomes and the patient satisfaction after total knee replacement (TKR) by Oxford knee score (OKS).

Methods: We included 71 individuals from King Fahad Armed Forces hospital western region of Saudi Arabia who had unilateral and bilateral TKR done in 2009-2010, then assessed their OKS 5 years post-operatively. The estimation of the satisfaction level after TKR was performed by asking individuals the question ‘Are you satisfied with your knee replacement’? and the possible answers were Yes or No.

Results: There were 39 male patients (55%) and 32 female patients (45%), with a mean age of 64.5 (SD 10.9, range 32–90) years. Approximately 94.4% of the patients are above 50 years. The mean OKS in both sex was 32.5 (range, 1-48; SD, 9.9) 5 years post-operatively. Mean OKS in male was 35.2(SD, 9) while mean OKS in female was 27.5 (SD, 10.5).

Only 18 of 71 (25.3%) patients had a score of > 40 (excellent grade of OKS). Thus, 18 of 71 (25.3%) patients reported no or barely any problems with their TKR. 7% of the patients (5 of 71) were unsatisfied with the knee surgery. While 93% of the patients (66 of 71) were satisfied.

Conclusion: Patients who were satisfied with knee replacement had a higher score (better) than unsatisfied patients. The OKS was lower in females. We can say that OKS is a good tool to measure the outcome after TKR and predict the patient satisfaction. Valid patient-reported questionnaires to measure the outcome will be of worth in large multicenter studies that are needed to identify agents affecting the outcomes of TKR. However, with a small sample size, caution must be applied and not over-interpret these data, as the findings might not be extrapolated to all patients.


Keywords : TKR; OKS; sex; age; SD.

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Posted July 27, 2018 05:06

Calendar July 26, 2018 07:16



The objective of the paper was to evaluate the accumulation of proline content (µg/gFW) in two wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L. var. KRL-1 and HUW 234) under different concentrations of NaCl stress. Also, evaluated the efficacy of proline accumulation in HUW 234 and KRL-1 under different NaCl concentrations by correlation, regression, anova, residual graphs, residual vs mean plot and matrix plot. The seeds were collected from IAS, BHU Varanasi. The seeds were grown in pots at controlled 12 light/12 dark, humidity (80%) and temperature (28±2ºC) conditions in growth chamber. The seeds were irrigated every day with water as control and NaCl solution as treatment (30-180 mM) and grown upto 60 days. The data was collected at the interval of 15, 45 and 60 days from germination for the analysis of proline accumulation in the varieties. It was observed that proline content accumulation increased steadly upto 150 and 120 mM after that less accumulation of proline has been observed in KRL1-4 and HUW234 wheat varieties respectively. It suggests that proline accumulation may be observed at the extreme condition of stress.


Keywords : Proline; NaCl; stress; wheat varieties; dose dependent response.

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Posted July 26, 2018 07:16

Calendar July 26, 2018 07:13



This paper focuses on the kinetic modelling for simulation of bio-methane generation from sewage sludge digestion utilizing Acti-zyme as a bio-catalyst. Sewage sludge was digested at 37°C and 55°C for Acti-zyme loadings of 50 g/m3, sewage sludge loadings of 5-7.5 g/ and retention time of up to 40 days. Optimal bio-methanation was achieved at 37°C with 78% composition. The bio-methane production experimental data was fitted to the linear, exponential, logistics kinetic, exponential rise to a maximum and the modified Gompertz kinetic models and the coefficients of determination (R2) obtained. A lag phase of 10 days was observed during the bio-methanation process. The exponential rise to a maximum kinetic model fully simulated the bio-methane generation with a R2 value of 0.999 and a rate constant of 0.073 day-1. The logistics kinetic model can therefore be accurately applied for modelling the experimental data for bio-methane production.


Keywords : Acti-zyme; bio-methane; exponential rise to a maxima model; kinetic modeling.

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Posted July 26, 2018 07:13

Calendar July 26, 2018 02:34



Different extracts of leaves and roots of Newbouldia laevis were screened for their phytochemical and in-vitro antibacterial properties on clinical isolates of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. The well-in-agar diffusion technique was used to assay for the antibacterial properties and the results showed that the cold water, hot water, cold ethanol and soxhlet extracts of both parts of the plant at 200 mg/ml concentration inhibited the growth of all test organisms. The soxhlet extract had a more significant inhibition on E. coli. Also, the soxhlet extracts had the lowest Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) ranging 25 – 30 mg/ml while the cold water extracts had the highest MIC ranging 80 – 115 mg/ml. The phytochemical components obtained from the leaf extracts are phenols and glycosides while the root extracts contained phenols, glycoside and tannins. Some of these active components may have elicited the antibacterial activity.


Keywords : Antibacterial activity; Escherichia coliNewbouldia laevis; phytochemicals; soxhlet extract.

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Posted July 26, 2018 02:34

Calendar July 26, 2018 02:32



The present study was conducted during Kharif 2012 with forty two top cross hybrids developed in pearl millet during Kharif 2011 at Forage Research Farm, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana. Green fodder yield being an important economic but complex trait in pearl millet, the need was felt to gain new knowledge of exploring techniques/methods to cause significant improvement in it. Therefore, the pearl millet top cross hybrids were analysed for genetic variability, correlation and path coefficients. Most of the traits had high mean values. High heritability along with high genetic advance was recorded for leaf stem ratio, dry matter yield and green fodder yield. High estimates of GCV and PCV were observed for plant height, number of tillers/plant and leaf stem ratio, suggesting that selection based on these characters would facilitate successful isolation of desirable types. Traits like plant height, leaf length and dry matter yield had positive and significant correlation at genotypic as well as phenotypic level with green fodder yield and the selection based on these traits will result in improving the green fodder yield in pearl millet. Traits like plant height and dry matter yield showed high direct effect on green fodder yield. Thus selection for taller plants with longer leaves will be significant for the improvement of green fodder yield in the material under study.


Keywords : Green fodder yield; multicut; heritability; correlation and path coefficient.

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Posted July 26, 2018 02:32

Calendar July 26, 2018 02:30



Introduction: Cardiac primary tumors are particularly uncommon lesions. Myxomas are the benign tumors, which most frequently originate in the left atrium and rather seldom in the right atrium.

Case Report: Asymptomatic, competitive athlete, 21 year old, firstly was examined by urologist because of edematous and painful testicles due to inflammation in order to prevent sterility. The routine MDCT of thorax was performed and the globular mass in the right atrium was obtained. Further we have made an echocardiography which findings were very suggestible for myxoma of the right atrium. After preparation patient underwent successfully cardiac surgery and pathohystology evaluation confirmed a diagnosis of myxoma.

Discussion: This is for the first time presented case of active athletes in adolescence with an asymptomatic myxoma of the right atrium. According to publications of previous authors, including even this one, regardless of its uncommon appearance we should consider the possibility to detect myxoma, during routine echocardiographic assessment of young active athletes.


Keywords : Myxoma; right atrium; young adult.

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Posted July 26, 2018 02:30

Calendar July 26, 2018 02:27



Amorphous thin films of Se96Bi4 glassy alloy are prepared by vacuum evaporation technique. Space charge limited currents are measured at various fixed temperatures before and after exposure to white light of intensity 990 lux in a vacuum of 10-2 Torr. Using the theory of space charge limited conduction (SCLC), the density of localized states (DOS) has been calculated after each exposure of light (exposure time 1 -5 hours). The results indicate that DOS increases with the time of light exposure indicating the creation of light induced defects due to exposure of light.


Keywords : Chalcogenide glasses; amorphous semiconductors; Light induced defect.

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Posted July 26, 2018 02:27

Calendar July 25, 2018 03:52



Chaos synchronization between Josephson junctions driven by a central junction is studied under the parameter mismatches and noise. It is demonstrated that chaos synchronization quality is robust to 10-15 % parameter mismatches. It is also elucidated that for the intermediary noise intensity correlation between the synchronized junctions can be even enhanced; however for larger intensities of noise synchronization quality deteriorates. It is also established that synchronization quality between some junctions remains unchanged, despite the fact that all the driven junctions and the driver junction were subject to the same amount of noise. These results are of certain importance for obtaining the high power system of Josephson junctions in real-life situations and are promising for practical applications in the Terahertz region.


Keywords : Josephson junctions; chaos synchronization; Terahertz radiation; time delay systems; parameter mismatches; noise.

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Posted July 25, 2018 03:52

Calendar July 25, 2018 03:49



The method of residual is a powerful mathematical technique and its application to the problem of dimensional synthesis of mechanism has not been explored. The error function even for path / function generating mechanism is non-linear in nature. Most of the methods proposed in the literature involved either the simplification of error function through assumptions of the non linear programming techniques. In this paper an attempt is made to use the method of residuals for the synthesis of planar mechanism (an offset slider crank mechanism and four bar mechanism) and the application is illustrated through example problems.


Keywords : Least square method; planner mechanism; reliability concept; residual method.

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Posted July 25, 2018 03:49

Calendar July 25, 2018 03:45



Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have matured into a powerful tool to identify genetic variants that can be associated with various human phenotypes. GWAS for antipsychotic drugs (APD) are increasingly being performed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that affect therapeutic response and susceptibility to adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The aim of this study is to review the applications of GWAS to identify genetic variants associated with therapeutic response and ADR of APD. Systematic search of literatures using Medline (source PubMed) was made to identify published articles that included data for GWAS in APD. The prominent genetic variants identified for therapeutic response include polymorphisms in ARID5B, RTKN2, NPAS3 and PDE4D genes. For serious ADRs, polymorphisms in MC4R, MEIS2 and MMP16 genes for weight gain; polymorphisms in ZNF202, DPP6 and HSPG2 genes for extra-pyramidal side effects, and polymorphisms in SLC22A23, CERKL and SLCO3A1 genes for QT prolongation were reported among others. Large sample sizes and genotyping platforms with increased marker SNP density could provide greater confidence that important genetic variants could be discovered through GWAS, to advance clinical care with personalized medicine.


Keywords : GWAS; antipsychotic drugs; SNP; therapeutic response; ADR.

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Posted July 25, 2018 03:45

Calendar July 25, 2018 03:42



Although sensory analysis gives a more complete description of food texture there has been a great interest in developing instrumental techniques. In this research, texture was objectively measured using an Instron universal testing machine. Textural parameters such as mechanical hardness and bending strength were determined and the resulting force displacement graphs used to determine crispness of ice cream cones. Results showed that water, sugar and starch content of the ice cream cone had the greatest effect on the texture properties of baked sorghum based ice cream cones. There was a highly significant correlation between the sensory analysis and instrumental measurement of crispness (0.956) and mechanical hardness (0.958) implying that objectively measured hardness and crispness can be used to adequately determine the texture of ice cream cones. The model developed for estimating the overall acceptability using objectively assessed  hardness and crispness was found to have values of  R2 = 0.889 and R2adjusted = 0.868 which classifies it as a very good prediction model and can therefore be used with good accuracy to predict or optimize the texture of sorghum ice-cream cones for better consumer acceptability.


Keywords : Texture measurement; sorghum ice-cream cone; correlation analysis.

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Posted July 25, 2018 03:42

Calendar July 25, 2018 03:39



Service quality plays an important role in the success of every organization and more importantly, in terms of customer satisfaction. And since public transportation especially public utility buses, plays a very important role in determining the quality of life of every people especially in the developing countries like the Philippines, passenger’s perception and assessment on service quality being provided by the public utility buses should be taken into consideration. This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction on the five indicators of service quality being offered by the local minibuses in Tuguegarao City, Northern Philippines. 250 passengers from the five local minibus companies were considered in the study through descriptive survey and guided interview. Results revealed that cheap fare rate was the main reason why passengers ride in local minibuses and long waiting time at the bus stops was the main problem encountered by the passengers. Moreover, the findings also showed that the passengers are moderately satisfied in terms of interaction with the passengers, moderately satisfied in terms of tangible service equipment, slightly satisfied in terms of operating management support, very satisfied in terms of handiness of service, and very satisfied in terms of offering correct information. In addition, results of the analysis of variance and independent sample t tests reveal that employment type, educational attainment, monthly income, and frequency of riding mini bus affect the service quality being provided by the local minibuses. And in general, passengers are moderately satisfied with the service quality being offered by the local minibuses.


Keywords : Local minibuses; public transportation; service quality; Tuguegarao City; interaction with the customers; tangible service equipment; operating management support; handiness of service; offering correct information.

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Posted July 25, 2018 03:39

Calendar July 21, 2018 06:05


Parthenium hysterophorus (carrot grass) has diverse biological properties responsible for treatment of large number of clinical disorders. Current study was adopted to investigate medicinal benefits of P. hysterophorus leaf extracts prepared in six different solvents (ethanol, ethyl acetate, n-butanol, n-hexane, methanol and chloroform). For determination of antioxidant potential, total phenolic contents (TPC), total flavonoid contents (TFC) and DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl l-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging ability were assessed. Antidiabetic (antiglycation and alpha amylase inhibitions) along with acetylcholinesterase inhibition, thrombolytic, cytotoxic (hemolysis and DNA damage) and antibiofilm activities were performed. Effective DPPH scavenging fraction was n-hexane fraction (70.46%; P = .05) and ethanol fraction exhibited highest TPC (200 mg gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/100 g; P = .05) and TFC (128.68 mg catechin equivalents (CE)/100 g; P = .05). None of the fractions exhibited glycation inhibitory activity. Optimum acetylcholinesterase (76%; P = .05) and alpha amylase (33.5%; P = .05) inhibitory potential was shown by chloroform fraction. Maximum thrombolytic (26.57%) and antihemolytic (7.71%) activities were exhibited by aqueous fraction. No fraction exhibited the DNA damage protection activity. Maximum Staphylococcus aureus growth inhibition (94%) was by ethyl acetate fraction. The present study demonstrated that P. hysterophorus is noxious weed thus further investigation is required to elucidate the relative bioactive potentials of P. hysterophorus leaves.

Keywords : P. hysterophorus leaves; medicinal benefits; cytotoxic potential; inhibitory activity; noxious.

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Posted July 21, 2018 06:05