Calendar December 27, 2019 04:06

The poacea family is one of the most large families in the plant of Monocotyledon, one of the floral plants. There are about 600 species in this family and about 10,000 genus, including the most important crops such as wheat, rice, maize, barley, oats and millet. This family contains a lot of forage crops and grass plants.

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Posted December 27, 2019 04:06

Calendar December 26, 2019 05:02

This study was set out to evaluate the impact of government revenue on the growth of the Nigerian economy. Using time-series data covering the period 1981 to 2018 and adopting the ARDL framework, the study tested for both short-run and long-run relationship including adjustment profile. It was found that economic growth is a positive and significant function of oil revenue in Nigeria within the studied period. Nonoil revenue was found to positively but non-significantly affect the growth of the Nigerian economy. A long run cointegrating relationship was found amongst the studied variables with the error correction model showing an 11% adjustment speed from short-run disequilibrium to long run equilibrium. Based on the finding, it is recommended that government should diversify the economy to allow for enhanced revenue and growth.

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Posted December 26, 2019 05:02

Calendar December 25, 2019 06:55

Pasta was prepared from germinated amaranth grain flour with 0.5% and 1.0% addition of various hydrocolloids (guar gum, gum tragacanth and gum acacia). The physical, cooking, textural, morphological and sensory characteristics of prepared pasta were compared with control pasta (semolina). Germinated amaranth flour pasta showed lower L value ranged from 46.22 to 48.41 than control pasta 65.33. Among all germinated amaranth flour pasta, pasta having 1.0% guar gum exhibited least cooking loss (10.5%) which is slightly higher than the control pasta (7.41%). The germinated amaranth flour pasta was less harder (1.67 to 2.95 N) than control (3.85 N). Overall, the 1.0% guar gum incorporated pasta represents the highest overall sensory score among the all germinated amaranth flour pasta. Results highlighted that higher concentration of hydrocolloids improved the different quality characteristics of germinated amaranth flour pasta.

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Posted December 25, 2019 06:55

Calendar December 24, 2019 02:09

In this study, we isolated and analysed the sequence of ITS4-5 genetic region of thirty three lotus samples which were collected in Thua Thien Hue province. The attained ITS4-5 genetic region had a length of ranged from 729 to 744 bp, which had high similarity with species Nelumbo nucifera (accession number: FJ599761.1), query cover was at 98%. Eight parameters were used to measure the DNA polymorphism of thirty three homologous DNA sequences in this population. The results indicated that,  the number of separate polymorphic sites (S), total number of mutant sites (Eta), number of haplotype (h), haplotype diversity (Hd), average number of nucleotide differences (k), nucleotide diversity (π), theta (per site) from Eta (Ø) were 5 (S), 5 (Eta), 2(h), 0,458(Hd), 2,292 (k), 0,314 x 10-3 (π) and 0,169 x10-3 (Ø), respectively (P < 0,05). Our analysis indicated that Rm of ITS4-5 genetic region in lotus populations did not appear (Rm = 0). Two methods (Tajima’s D test, Fu and Li’s D* and F* test) were used to execute neutrality test. The results showed that, the evolution of lotus population was balancing selection, sudden population contraction, in other words, rare alleles present at low frequency and there are very few individuals that show significant differences from other individuals in the population. Phylogenetic tree was built based on three methods, namely Neightbour -Joining, Maximum Likelihood và Maximum Parsimony (bootstrap = 1000) showed that, thirty three collected lotus samples closely linked and they were divided into two groups. Group I included 22 samples of pink lotus varieties and group II included 11 samples of white lotus varieties. Through this result, we found that the ability to distinguish between white and pink lotus varieties of N. nucifera was significant when using the ITS4-5 genetic region.

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Posted December 24, 2019 02:09

Calendar December 21, 2019 01:49

In current time, invasive fungal infections have become a major threat for the immunocompromised hospitalised patients. Also, healthy individuals are much prone to the commensal yeasts of the oral cavity. Different surveys and studies have recorded increased rate of Candida albicans and non-albicans such as of C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. guilliermondii, C. dubliniensis, C. parapsilosis and C. krusei in local and systemic fungal infections. Thus, a rapid and correct identification of different Candida species plays an important role in diagnosis and antifungal therapy against candidiasis. The conventional diagnostic methods, such as histopathology and culture which are based on morphological and physiological attributes are low in sensitivity and also not very accurate. Development and standardisation of various molecular techniques (both PCR and non-PCR based) have proved to be promising approach for correct and quicker identification of Candida species. More and more technical development in these methods can bring their widespread clinical use with much more ease in coming days. The purpose of this review is to highlight the value, limitations and current state of different molecular approaches utilized for species level identification in Candida diagnostics.

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Posted December 21, 2019 01:49

Calendar December 20, 2019 07:09

Tetraclinis articulata is an essence of great socio-economic value. The development of the resistance and survival potential of this species to sometimes extreme environmental conditions are a concern of the managers. for that, the present work is fixed as an objective to evaluate the rate of mycorrhization of thuya roots and to highlight the diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) of thuya from two sites (Beni Souhane and Aderj) of the region of Sefrou (Middle Eastern Atlas). The results obtained showed that the thuya roots carry different structures of endomycorrhizal fungi. The frequencies of mycorrhization of the roots are of the order of 93.3% at the level of site Aderj and 80% at Beni Souhane. The mycorrhizal root intensities are respectively 45.8% and 40% for the Beni Souhane and Aderj sites. Moreover, the arbuscule contents are 26.05% in Beni Souhane and 25.52% in Aderj. The vesicle contents are 14.89% in Aderj and 21.51% in Beni Souhane. The density of endomycorrhizal spores in the rhizosphere of Thuya is 98 and 26 spores / 100 g of soil, respectively in Beni Souhane and Aderj. The identification of isolated spores allowed to note the presence of 37 species belonging to 7 genera, 7 families and 3 orders. The genus Glomus is the most abundant, with a distribution percentage of 63.5%. The species richness is 29 taxa in the site of Beni Souhane and 18 species at the level of Aderj. Besides, the thuya of the Beni Souhane site shows a better rate of mycorrhization of roots and a mycorrhizal species richness greater than that of the Aderj site. This is reflected on the state of forest formation that is coming well to Beni Souhane. It would, therefore, be valuable to develop inocula from the endomycorrhizal fungi present in the Thuya rhizosphere and proceed to controlled mycorrhization in nurseries to obtain resistant and vigorous plants.

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Posted December 20, 2019 07:09

Calendar December 19, 2019 06:16

The possibility of using autogamous forms of alfalfa in the breeding of varieties with stable seed productivity in the conditions of insufficient number of insect-pollinators has been proved. Aim of present study was to evaluate the breeding value of alfalfa inbred lines with different degree of autogamy for creation of synthetic varieties. Inbred lines of the seventh- tenth generations were obtained with a high level of autogamy (41-76%) and seed yield at the level of the variety – standard. The splitting on the trait takes place among the descendants of the inbred generations on the both of the autogamous and self-incompatible plants. The invariable high-autogamous lines have been not obtained for 34 years of research. The autogamy levels above 40.1%, had 55% of lines in the tenth generation. Inbred lines have been created with forage yields at the standard-grade level and high seed yields. Synthetic varieties with seed yields of 0.300- 0.321 t/ha and different number of components (5-7) were formed on the basis of lines with high combining ability effects. Autogamous forms which were created do not lose the ability to cross pollination.

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Posted December 19, 2019 06:16

Calendar December 18, 2019 06:22

Ethiopia is known for its high bamboo resource potential in Africa. The country has two indigenous bamboo species namely the highland bamboo (Arundinaria alpine) and the monotypic genus lowland bamboo (Oxytenanthera abyssinica). Bamboo is a multipurpose plant with significant economic and environmental benefits. Although the benefits of bamboo for communities in Ethiopia are diverse, the economic values at national scale, the biodiversity conservation and ecotourism values of bamboo have not been discussed in the past. Studying the different values of bamboo promotes human quality of life and national economic support though income generation. Similarly, bamboo is an important plant in enhancing biodiversity conservation and promoting ecotourism despite it has been neglected by research and development programs in the country due to the less economic benefit obtained from the forest. Hence, this study was made to review the economic, biodiversity conservation and ecotourism values of bamboo forest in Ethiopia. These issues were addressed through exploration of different studies conducted on bamboo and by referring various journals. The study revealed that bamboo provides various benefits in Ethiopia. It enabled to obtain 23-30 Million USD annually which was 0.02% of the country’s GDP during 2010-2014 G.C. Similarly, it contributes for employment opportunities, furniture and industrial materials production, construction and home use purposes, food for humans and animals, etc. Bamboo also provides biodiversity conservation and ecotourism benefits. It facilitates biodiversity conservation through protection of forest, wildlife conservation and supporting micro-organisms. While the role of bamboo in the construction of cultural houses and production of different cultural materials contributes for ecotourism development in different parts of Ethiopia. However, challenges like fire, deforestation, agriculture and related land conversion and inadequate awareness are affecting the economic, biodiversity conservation and ecotourism values of bamboo in Ethiopia.

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Posted December 18, 2019 06:22

Calendar December 3, 2019 07:10

One of the main challenges of the postharvest technology in the sector of the fruit and vegetables is the development of technical to be able to measure parameters of external and internal quality by means of the use of technical not destructive. This is important at the present time, due to the possibility and future necessity of research and development on behalf of the consumers, producers and sellers and as possible road of improving the quality in fruits and vegetables dedicated to different markets goals. In this work, a wide bibliographical revision is analyzed on the development of the optic technique VIS-NIR in the different agricultural products to international and national scale showing its incipient application in the Cuban case, and the importance of the evaluation of the physical-mechanical and optic properties of these products by means of this technology. This is the main scope of the paper.

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Posted December 3, 2019 07:10

Calendar December 3, 2019 07:09

Eranthis longistipitata Regel (Ranunculaceae) is an endemic plant of Central Asia and one of the most popular among decorative bulbs. There is a need for the development of fast and controlled propagation methods of this species. The purpose of this study is to identify the features of in vitro culture of E. longistipitata seeds and embryos. The effect of various pretreatment methods on germination of E. longistipitata seeds in in vitro culture was studied – cold stratification, treatment with gibberellic acid (GA3) and a combination of cold stratification and embryo culture treatment. It is shown that mature seeds of E. longistipitata exhibit an underdeveloped embryo, and for complete maturation of embryos in in vitro culture, it is necessary to incubate the seeds at +4°C in the dark for 2 months, and then at +7°C under a 16/8 photoperiod regime for 2 months. The optimal method of seed pretreatment is a combination of cold stratification and embryo culture, when the number of viable explants attained 23%. GA3 seed treatment did not foster embryo development and seed germination of E. longistipitata. The study has shown that a combination of cold stratification and embryo culture methods is necessary to overcome the dormancy of E. longistipitata seeds in vitro.

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Posted December 3, 2019 07:09

Calendar November 30, 2019 08:05

Background: There is a high risk of malaria infection in Uganda due to availability of conducive conditions in breeding habitats of An. gambiae s.l., the vectors for Plasmodium, the causative agent of malaria.

Aim: The aim of this study was to determine whether the abundance and distribution of macro-invertebrates and An. gambiae s.l. are influenced by water physico-chemical parameters.

Methods: In this study, habitats were classified as ponds, streams, temporary pools and roadside ditches. From these habitats, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, temperature and pH were measured in-situ in the morning and afternoon between October and December 2017. Macro-invertebrates and An. gambiae s.l. larvae were sampled, preserved, morphologically identified and counted.

Results: There was a strong association between An. gambiae s.l. with land use, habitat types and water physico-chemical parameters. Baetidae, Coenagrionidae, Aeshnidae, Nepidae, Lymnaeidae and Hirudidae were highly abundant in streams. Notonectidae, Haliplidae and Elmidae were dominant in ponds while Dytiscidae, Culicidae, Chironomidae, Sphaerolichidae and An. gambiae s.l. were abundant in temporary pools. Carabidae were abundant in roadside ditches.

Conclusion: Water physico-chemical parameters, land use and habitat types influenced the abundance and distribution of macro-invertebrates including An. gambiae s.l. We recommend that studies should be conducted to establish the mechanisms through which these factors influence abundance and distribution of An. gambiae s.l. and other macro-invertebrates.

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Posted November 30, 2019 08:05

Calendar November 30, 2019 08:04

This study examined the effect of scaffolding instructional strategies and gender on the performance of pupils in Basic Science and Technology in public primary schools in Rivers State. Two specific objectives and two null hypotheses guided the study. Non-randomized pretest, post-test and control group experimental design was adopted for the study. The population size consisted of 42,409 basic four pupils; out of which 147 were drawn as sample size using purposive sampling technique. The instrument for data collection was the Basic Science and Technology Performance Test. The data was analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA). The findings of the study revealed that there is a significant difference in the Basic Science and Technology mean performance scores of pupils taught with scaffolding instructional strategies and those taught with conventional method. The Basic Science and Technology mean performance scores of boys and girls taught with scaffolding instructional strategies does not differ significantly with those taught with conventional method. Recommendations were made which include that scaffolding instructional strategy should be used in classroom teaching/learning interaction to enhance the teaching and learning of pupils as well as improve their performance in all subjects.

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Posted November 30, 2019 08:04

Calendar November 29, 2019 04:06

As a main index of firm technological innovation capacity, firm innovation performance captures extensive attentions among management and academia, although disagreement on its measurement or evaluation among different researchers still exist, which mainly caused by the lack or inexistence of universally used measurement scheme of firms innovation performance. Based on investigation to current researches related to firm innovation performance, we place, in this paper, more emphasis on the identification of influencing factors and upgrading path of firm innovation performance, measurement or evaluation of firm innovation performance, after carding and review, we construct a comprehensive framework to evaluate firm innovation performance according to the composition and representation forms, in hopes to show the direction for future researches.

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Posted November 29, 2019 04:06

Calendar November 29, 2019 04:04

The thiosemicarbazone of 4-Chlorobenzaldehyde and Thiosemicarbazone of M-Nitrobenzaldehyde is an interesting of organic compound in the crystalline nature. The quartz meth glass which is grown slow evaporation method from the solvent methanol. The harvested crystals were purified by repeated recrystallization. FT-IR spectroscopic study was held out on the growth, recognize the fundamental function group. Optical absorption studied illustrate the low absorption in the entire UV and visible spectral. The UV-Visible Spectra are confirming the optical transparency. This is more helpful to use these crystals in option applications. The harvested crystals Thiosemicarbazone of 4-Chlorobenzaldehyde and Thiosemicarbazone of M-Nitrobenzaldehyde were characterized by proton nuclear magnetic resonance and of 13C NMR spectra which show the molecular structure of the crystals. Its thermal stability for analysis in the crystal by TGA and DSC. The TGA and DSC confirm the decay of the sample at 210°C. It further confirms the grown crystal Thiosemicarbazone of 4-Chlorobenzaldehyde and Thiosemicarbazone M-Nitrobenzaldehyde is thermally stable up to 210°C. The frequencies was identified in the crystal by dielectric properties. The second harmonic generation efficiency of the powdered thiosemicarbazone of 4-Chlorobenzaldehyde and Thiosemicarbazone of M-Nitrobenzaldehyde and was tested using Nd: YAG laser and it is found to be 6.1 and 5.6 times higher than that of urea.

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Posted November 29, 2019 04:04

Calendar November 27, 2019 23:30

In this study a cost-effective adsorbent was prepared from phosphate rock waste. An abundant phosphate rock waste was generated, as by-product, from phosphate concentration processes. Phosphate rock waste was activated by chemical activators (including  different concentration of HNO3 and  NaOH or with both). The developed adsorbent was characterized using different techniques (XRD, XRF and SEM). Batch experiments were conducted to test the heavy metal ions (Cd+2, Cu+2, Ni+2, Pb+2 and Zn+2) removal efficiency by the developed adsorbent. The adsorption process was evaluated as a function of various operating parameters such as contact time, solution pH, temperature, initial metal ion concentration, and adsorbent dosage. The results concluded that activation phosphate rock waste was effective with 2M HNO3, and the developed adsorbent is suitable for effective removal of Cd+2, Cu+2, Ni+2, Pb+2 and Zn+2 from aqueous solution. Initial uptake of these metal ions increases with time and reaches equilibrium at 60 min, while the optimum adsorbent dosage and solution temperature were 0.5 g 100 mL-1 and 25°C, respectively. The adsorption process was pH-dependent with high adsorption capacity at pH 7. The experimental isotherms data were analyzed using the Langmuir, and Freundlich   models. The data obtained from adsorption isotherms of metal ions at different time fitted well to linear form of Langmuir model.

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Posted November 27, 2019 23:30

Calendar November 27, 2019 23:28

The significance of thiosemicarbazone and their complexes, apart from their diverse chemical and structural characteristics, stems from not only their potential but also their proved application as biologically active particles. The full application and structural diversity of complexes of thiosemicarbazone prompted us to synthesize the tridentate NNO- donor thiosemicarbazones and their complexes. Due to good chelating ability, the present work is mainly concerned with the studies on complexes of 2-Chlorobenzaldehyde, Thiosemicarbazones. By emphasizing this point the objectives of the present work are as follows: synthesis of the 2-Chlorobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone (2-[(2-Chlorobenzylidene)]) Hydrazine carbothioamide. The composition of 2-Chlorobenzaldehyde was determined by the spectral analysis. For the characterization of this compound by 1HNMR and IR spectral studies. The complexes of 2-chloro benzaldehyde were characterized by 1HNMR, 13CNMR, IR and UV spectral studies. The 2-Chlorobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone, have been screened against Bacteria (a) gram positive Staphylococcus aureus (Saureus), (b) gram negative Ecoli and fungi Aspergillus Niger and Candida albicans by the agar disc diffusion method. Therefore antimicrobial activities are analyzed in this work specifically for 2-Chlorobenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone crystal. This crystal was grown by solution growth technique and analyzed analytically.

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Posted November 27, 2019 23:28

Calendar November 26, 2019 07:09

Fine roots absorb water and nutrients for the tree's life and play an important role in carbon and nutrient cycling. Therefore, understanding fine root dynamics and production will contribute to sustainable management and improve the productivity of forest plantation. This work aims at investigating vertical distribution and production of Acacia auriculiformis plantation in Northeast Vietnam. A 20 m × 15 m plot containing 30 trees was established at a 2-year old plantation of A. auriculiformis. Sequence soil core sampling was applied to collect data on the mass of live roots and that of dead roots. While litter bag technique was used to estimate the decomposition ratio of dead fine roots. The continuous inflow method was employed to estimate fine root decomposition, mortality, and production. The results indicated that more than 50% fine roots distribute at 0-10 cm soil depth, while less than 12% distribute at deeper than 40 cm soil depth. In addition, more fine roots distribute at 0-10 cm soil depth in summer than that in winter. While more fine roots distribute at 40-80 cm soil depth in winter than that in summer. Fine root decomposition, mortality, and production are seasonal-dependent. The highest mortality (1.9 g m-2 day-1) was found during Dec-Mar and the lowest (1.3 g m-2 day-1) was found during Mar-Jun. While the highest mortality (1.8 g m-2 day-1) was found during Jun-Sep and the lowest (1.3 g m-2 day-1) was found during Sep-Dec. The similar pattern with mortality was found in production with the highest of 2.2 g m-2 day-1 during Jun-Sep and the lowest (1.2 g m-2 day-1) during Sep-Dec. In the present study plantation, total decomposition was 530 g m-2 year-1, mortality was 547 g m-2 year-1, and production was 548 g m-2 year-1. High production during Jun-Sep/summer may indicate a higher nutrient requirement to support growths during the growing season. Therefore, this should be a time for fertilizing plantation.

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Posted November 26, 2019 07:09

Calendar November 26, 2019 07:06

Present experimentation was done to study the effect of ZnO-SnO2 composite on different morphological parameters of Black gram. In this work, we have synthesized ZnO-SnO2 nanocomposite by Chemical co-precipitation method and characterized it using X-ray diffraction spectrograph, UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, scanning electron microscope and Transmission electron microscope. The particle size of synthesized nanocomposite material lies between 25.75 nm to 39.16 nm. The synthesized nanocomposite exhibited needle shaped morphology and showed maximum absorbance at 355 nm of wavelength. For studying the effect of synthesized nanocomposite material on morphological parameters of Black gram, healthy and presoaked seeds of Black gram were treated with three different concentration of ZnO-SnO2 composite (i.e. 20, 40, and 60%). Control was also maintained for each set. Black gram belongs to family Fabaceae and is commonly used as a food for protein and other nutritive substances. Black gram is also used as green manure for agricultural practices. During the field observation a significant effects have been observed on various morphological parameters. A reduction in germination and survival percentages were also observed in treated sets.

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Posted November 26, 2019 07:06

Calendar October 11, 2019 01:19


Aim of Review: Studies have been published in the field of innate system and microbial invasion but much is not know on the mechanisms involved. This review is organized into areas of components and function of the immune system, microbial detection, cells of the innate immune system and homeostasis.

Findings: The innate immune system activates and instructs adaptive immune responses, regulates inflammation, and mediates immune homeostasis which is the balance between opposing pro inflammatory and anti-inflammatory processes. The cells of the innate immune system use pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), which recognize pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) on microorganisms, and communicate through cytokines. Activation of the innate immune system begins with resident cells such as the macrophages, epithelial cells and mast cells in the tissues at the site of the infection. If the threat of infection accelerates, these cells recruit other cells such as the neutrophils, NK cells, dendritic cells, monocytes and platelets from the circulation into the inflamed tissues. Many of the same cells and mechanisms used to recognize and attack microbes and initiate inflammatory reactions are also used to clear away damaged and dying cells and down regulate inflammation to maintain homeostasis within the host.

Conclusion: The innate immune system refers to germline defense mechanisms that are directed against molecular components found only in microorganisms. These mechanisms are not learned, adapted, or permanently heightened as a result of exposure to microorganisms, although they are refined by evolution over generations.


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Posted October 11, 2019 01:19

Tag Host · Tag immunity · Tag inflammation · Tag innate · Tag microorganisms

Calendar October 9, 2019 06:51

Plato lamented nearly 2500 years ago that land degradation in the city of Athens had stripped it off the lush hills of Greece. Among the key forms of degradation are deforestation, drought, siltation of rivers, destruction of water catchment areas, soil erosion, poaching and pollution due to industrialization. This destruction has been going on unabated despite awareness creation through education and also legislations. The greed of humanity for exploitation of the environment for profits has exposed the soft underbelly of human civilization giving rise to phenomena like global warming, floods, drought and now diseases associated with environmental degradation are a threat to the survival of mankind.

Ubuntu is a philosophy that recognizes the humanness of Africans whereby the sense of collectiveness imbues the collective responsibility to others. “We are, therefore I am”. However, this restriction of ubuntu to humanity only is problematic since it negates the special relationship homo sapiens have towards the flora and fauna. Traditional African knowledge systems utilizes proverbs, cultural beliefs, taboos, totems, shrines as ways of promoting man’s tolerance towards the environment whereby mankind is just but a mere caretaker. African philosophy encourages a collective sense of responsibility to conservation. In most African communities, the practice of meshing environmental seasons and animal identities with that of clan names, family lineage names, environment seasons creates a sense of human/animal similitudes which encourages a communal commitment to conservation of flora and fauna.  Majority of the communities living in the Zambezi river basin are grappling with challenges posed by climate change. These communities had and still have their own indigenous knowledge systems that enabled them to live harmoniously with the environment.

On the other hand, according to the earliest Daoist texts, when human nature is aligned with the rest of nature, order and harmony are inherent. Thus, according to Daoism we should therefore aspire to being simple and unadorned, with no illusions about our own significance in the cosmos. Here, Daoism treats humanity simply as a part of nature and not as a master of nature. This paper examines how, since time immemorial, ubuntu and Daoism has been used to conserve the ‘natural’ environment in the process making its use sustainable which could come in handy especially in addressing the challenges posed by environmental degradation in the Zambezi river basin.

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Posted October 9, 2019 06:51