Calendar July 18, 2018 00:30



Antagonistic properties of microbes have been traced to the presence of some antimicrobial agents produced by some of these organisms. The objectives of this paper were to investigate the antagonistic properties of isolates from indigenous black soap and to characterize the inhibitory substance(s) of the isolates. The indigenous black soap was prepared using Saponification method and the microbial load was determined. The antagonistic properties of indigenous microfloral from indigenous black soap were investigated using the conventional streak, novel ring and well diffusion methods. The test was conducted on six organisms viz Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Candida albicans, Trichophyton rubrum and Klebsiella  pneumoniae. Antagonism was measured by zone of inhibition between the bacterial streak/ring. The bacterial load of the soap ranged from 3.4x104-1.9x104 CFU/g while the fungal spore was 2.7x104-1.1x104 SFU/g. The bacteria isolated were: Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis and S. aureus while the fungi isolated were: Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea, Fusarium oxysporium. Bacillus cereus and Bacillus subtilis inhibited the growth of all the test organisms except E. coli and T. rubrum while C. albicans and K. pneumoniae were susceptible to S. aureus (11 mm and 08 mm respectively). The inhibitory properties of these organisms may be due to the presence of catalase enzyme or other metabolites.


Keywords : Antagonistic; black soap; indigenous; microbes.

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Posted July 18, 2018 00:30

Calendar July 18, 2018 00:28



The objective of the present study was to determine species composition and seasonal dynamics of main thrips in alfalfa grown for forage. The method of sweeping with entomological net was used. The harvest of the regrowth was made in flowering stage. It was found 13 species from 3 families and 9 genera, which belong to the order Thysanoptera. The harmful species occupied 54.0% of the total number of species, and predatory species – 44.0%. Main pests were dominant species Thrips tabaci with 37.4% participation, followed by subdominant species T. atratus - 9.7%. The predatory thrips were represented mainly by the dominant species Aeolothrips intermedius (43.8% participation). The highest density of T. tabaci was found in second regrowth from the second half of May to the second half of June with a maximum value in the first ten days of June at the button and the beginning of flowering stages. Aeolothrips intermediushad a high number in the second regrowth in the button and flowering stages. The maximum number was found in the second decade of June in flowering stage. It could play a considerable role as a bioagent. The determination of the population dynamics of economically important pest species of the order Thysanoptera in the alfalfa grown for forage determines the most appropriate time to their control and management.


Keywords : Alfalfa; harmful and predatory species; population density; Thysanoptera.

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Posted July 18, 2018 00:28

Calendar July 18, 2018 00:24



The effect of Cassis occidentalis Linn seed extract on body weight and lipid parameters (serum cholesterol, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein) of rats fed with high fat diet (HFD) were investigated. The HFD was formulated using standard protocols and was used to feed the rats for 28 days. Crude extract of Cassia occidentalis Linn seed was administered at four different dose levels (250, 500, 750 and 1000 mg/kgbwt) to the experimental group. The result showed significant increase in body weight when HFD was administered to the rats. However, the administration of the extracts at various concentrations decreased the body weight of the rats significantly (P<0.05) for four weeks with the highest reduction observed at 750 mg/kg and 1000 mg/kg concentrations. The serum lipid parameters revealed a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the serum total cholesterol as the dose of the extract increases with concurrent increase in the high density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol which differ significantly with the normal control (P<0.05). Reduction in the content of low density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol and triglycerides were also observed to differ significantly (P<0.05) with the normal and experimental controls. The result suggests that the seed extract of the plant is an anti-atherosclerosis and an acute anti-obesity therapy which could be used in the regulation of lipid without detecting any adverse effect.


Keywords : Cassia occidentalis linn; lipid parameter; serum cholesterol; HFD; HDL; LDL.

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Posted July 18, 2018 00:24

Calendar July 16, 2018 04:01



In the present communication, we have investigated the characteristic of n-channel fin field-effect transistor (n-FinFET) at various temperature dependences. The temperature dependence of (I On/I Off) current ratio shows that thermal generation in the channel is the prime source of leakage mechanism existing in the current device. Moreover, the temperature dependence of Threshold voltage (VT) decreases sharply as compared to higher temperatures of the device. Drain Induced Barrier lowering (DIBL) almost varies linearly with temperature. The purpose of our paper is to study the variation of parameters of FinFET at various temperature effects. In the present study the device performance of FinFET of various parameters like (I On/I Off) current ratio, Threshold voltage Vth (V), Drain induced barrier lowering DIBL (mV/V), Sub-threshold Swing SS (mV/dec) and Trans-conductance Gm (S/um) with temperature effects (100K-400K), have been carried out using PADRE simulator from MuGFET’s. The simulation tool is based on drift-diffusion theory.


Keywords : FinFET, temperature, I on/I off current, threshold voltage, sub-threshold slope, DIBL, transconductance.

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Posted July 16, 2018 04:01

Calendar July 16, 2018 03:58


The corrosion inhibition performance of the ethanol extracts of Chysophyllum albidum leaves (EECAL) and stem (EECAS) on the corrosion of mild steel in 0.5 M H2SO4 solution at 303 K and elevated temperatures 303 and 323 K was investigated and compared. The experimental work was performed by the use of weight loss method (gravimetric) and hydrogen evolution (gasometric) techniques respectively. The results indicate that both plants extracts inhibit the corrosion of mild steel in the medium. However, EECAS exhibits higher maximum inhibition efficiency (90.7%) than EECAS (80.3%) at 4.0 g/L. Generally inhibition efficiency was found to increase with increase in concentration of both plant extracts but decreased with rise in temperature. Adsorption of both extracts on the mild steel coupon was found to obey the Langmuir adsorption isotherm. The phenomenon of physical adsorption is proposed from the obtained thermodynamic parameters as equilibrium constant (Kad) showed a decrease with increased temperature, free energy of adsorption (-∆Goad) values were more negative than 40 kJ/mol.

Keywords :Weight loss; langmuir isotherm; activation energy; corrosion current density; inhibition efficiency; Chysophyllum albidum; dielectric constant.

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Posted July 16, 2018 03:58

Calendar July 16, 2018 03:54


The feature of the projected accelerator is an ionic beam compression due to the neutralization of a spatial charge, which is a result of drift in the low-density plasma (1010-1012 cm-3). Two methods can be used for interferometric plasma diagnostics: homodyne and heterodyne methods. However, due to the relatively small magnitude of the phase shift at low plasma density, the application of the first method is inefficient. The scheme of the heterodyne interferometer to determine the plasma density in the accelerator channel with neutralizing drift of ions is detailed. For the spatial diagnostics of plasma, the methods of a two-exposition digital holographic interferometry with high temporal and spatial resolution are considered. Preliminary probe measurements allowed to estimate only the order of magnitude of plasma density.

Keywords :Accelerator; plasma; methods of diagnostics; heterodyne interferometry; digital holographic interferometry.

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Posted July 16, 2018 03:54

Calendar July 16, 2018 03:51



Business life which can be considered as a system, is affected by the fast and continuous changing environment and does not stay as same as present. Some of the environmental factors those are changing the business life are provided legal, economic and availability – featured opportunities to the organizations and technological and social developments. Technology that takes a large place in human lives and important global events such as wars, natural disasters and financial crisis can differentiate the individuals living in a certain time gap from the previous generations. Present generation which is called generation z who has some common and unique characteristics comparing to the previous ones, is started to be seen in the business life in different positions. The present workforce who is constituted by the previous generations’ individuals are starting to get older and slower to this fast changing world. Moreover, they may be suffering in reacting to these changes as fast as required. Day by day new generation will start taking the positions under the control and experiences of the present workforce. In the organizations, especially what human resources management should do is managing these new dynamic talents who will lead these organizations one step further in the future, to get the maximum efficiency from them. This research is a theoretical study which investigates the different and more salient expectations and features of new generation z comparing to the previous ones and the ways of managing them.


Keywords : Baby boomers; generation X; Y; Z; management.

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Posted July 16, 2018 03:51

Calendar July 16, 2018 03:48


This paper introduces a semester-long effort integrating readings on selected themes based on the instructor’s expertise into the advanced public speaking course. Such an effort is aimed at the dual objectives of teaching students to master public speaking skills and educating them to appreciate the construct of civil public discourse for active participation in a democratic society. By following the provided processes of selecting and evaluating the additional readings, the authors found that the class teaching content of their public speaking classes was enriched and the quality of class discussions was guaranteed, and all the major presentations were positively influenced by the content and principles in the textbook chapters and additional themed readings.

Keywords :Advanced public speaking; themed readings; meaningful class discussions and quality presentations.

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Posted July 16, 2018 03:48

Calendar July 16, 2018 03:41


In this paper we develop a Unitary Quantum Relativistic Theory. We show that the wavy nature of a quantum particle involves the relativistic dynamics of the wave-packet of this particle, and a field of interaction described by Lorentz’s force and three of the four Maxwell equations: the electromagnetic induction law, and the flow laws of the electric and magnetic fields. These equations arise from the group velocity, which is of the form of the Lagrange equation, and from a relativistic principle for wave functions, which asserts that in any system of reference a wave-function has a bounded spectrum with a velocity limit c. When a magnetic circuit law is considered for a field interacting with a quantum particle, this is an electromagnetic field, propagating with the velocity c.

Keywords :Wave-function, wave-packet, group velocity, Hamiltonian, Lagrangian, Lorentz force, Hamilton equations, Lagrange equation, Lorentz transformation, Maxwell equations.

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Posted July 16, 2018 03:41

Calendar July 16, 2018 03:35


 Vinasse is the fluid waste material got from the fermentation procedure of alcohol refining, from crude materials, for example, maize, beet, molasses or juices of cassava, sugarcane, among others by the utilization of yeasts at a proportion of 12-15 liters for each liter of alcohol which has inorganic and organic loads. Vinasse is used in farming for cheap supplements sources, enhancing specialists and animal feed past the confinement of high chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and aggregate dissolved salts content even after the toxin expulsion treatment. This substance has a low pH and high COD, which can bring about environmental desertification when unpredictably utilized as compost. Likewise, underground water pollution is being seen in a few districts.

 Keywords : Vinasse; bioremediation; fermentation; pollution; molasses; ethanol.

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Posted July 16, 2018 03:35

Calendar July 12, 2018 08:02



Migration of central venous catheters into the heart is a rare complication, we present a case of Port-A-cath migration and looping in the right sided chambers where both ends were trapped in the hepatic vein, the catheter was looped in the pulmonary artery, the dislodgment of the catheter was confirmed by chest X ray then it was percutanously retrieved using pig tail catheter and goose neck snare.


Keywords :Porta-A-cath migration; central venous catheters; snare.

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Posted July 12, 2018 08:02

Calendar July 12, 2018 07:57


 We present the case of an 80-year-old Japanese female suffering from a genotype 1b HCV infection, with a previous history of post-treatment relapse of PEG-IFN (interferon)/ribavirin (RBV). The patient was retreated with telaprevir-based triple therapy, she achieved rapid virological response (RVR). Despite dose reduction of treatment because of adverse effect (AE), she obtained a sustained virological response (SVR). Furthermore, hepatic functional reserve improved.

This case suggests that in selected genotype 1 HCV-infected patients, a successful treatment can be obtained even with a very low dose of these therapy because of AE or reduced compliance for elderly patient with fibrosis.


Keywords :Chronic hepatitis; telaprevir; elderly patients; hepatic functional reserve.

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Posted July 12, 2018 07:57

Calendar July 12, 2018 07:53


Vehicle emissions are the major sources of magnetic grains pollution especially in urban areas and places with high vehicular activities. These magnetic grains tend to accumulate around the road corridors and form part of the roadside dust. To investigate the spatial distribution and extent to which they can be deposited, Magnetic susceptibility mapping was conducted around 20 busy road pavements within Abuja, the capital of Nigeria. From the results obtained, magnetic susceptibility was found to decrease with distance from the road pavements and also deposition of these magnetic grains tend to occur at a distance of more than 8.0 m from the road. High concentration of magnetic grains was observed immediately after the road pavement to a distance of about 3.0 m away from the road pavement. This indicates that, vehicular activities are generally responsible for these magnetic pollutants. From this work also, it is clear that magnetic susceptibility measurement can be successfully used to map out contamination area especially those polluted with heavy metals.

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Posted July 12, 2018 07:53

Calendar July 12, 2018 07:50


 Two accessions of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill) were collected from two Tunisian localities (Sahel and Sfax) and grown in field trials under four rates of nitrogen (50, 100, 150 and 200 kg/ha) to evaluate their essential oil yield and composition in response to this nutrient. The essential oil from seeds was extracted by hydrodistillation and analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The essential oil yield presented significant differences between the two fennel seed accessions studied. The highest seed yield per hectare among the accessions belonged to Sfax accession, obtained on 50 and 150 kg/ha nitrogen fertilization. Twenty nine compounds were identified in all of the examined essential oils. Trans-anethole was the major compound in Sahel accession (67.4–77.0%) followed by nonanal (0.2–15.5%), fenchone (8.7–11.1%) and limonene (5.0–6.8%). The major compounds detected in the seeds essential oils of Sfax accession are trans-anethole (72.3–79.3%), limonene (6.2–11.0%), fenchone (4.2–10.8%) and estragole (3.2–9.2%). The highest essential oil percentage was obtained at 50 kg/ha nitrogen fertilization for Sahel accession and at 200 kg/ha nitrogen fertilization for Sfax accession. 


Keywords :Foeniculum vulgare Mill; essential oil; nitrogen; yield; accessions; trans-anethole; Tunisia; gas chromatography. 

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Posted July 12, 2018 07:50

Calendar July 10, 2018 06:02


 In designing industrial processes for lignin conversion into fuels or useful chemicals, it is important to understand and be able to control the chemical pathways by which such chemical conversions occur. Careful estimates of bond dissociation energies are critical in assessing these mechanistic preferences and the use of heats of formation of both lignin model compounds and their radical products has been central to this effort. A simple and accessible method for estimation of bond dissociation energies in lignin model compounds is proposed which is based on known values for heats of formation of appropriate free radicals and heats of formation for model molecules. These energies are in reasonable agreement with those obtained by more sophisticated procedures e.g. the methods of quantum chemistry. The introduction of substituents both in aromatic nuclei and in α-position of a side chain causes only a small deviation (ca 20 kJ mol-1) in Cα-Cβ bond dissociation energy.


Keywords :Lignin model compounds; bond dissociation energy.

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Posted July 10, 2018 06:02

Calendar July 10, 2018 05:57


 Here we constuct rational solutions of order 6 to the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation (KPI) as a quotient of 2 polynomials of degree 84 in x, y and t depending on 10 parameters. We verify that the maximum of modulus of these solutions at order 6 is equal to 2(2+ 1)2 = 338. We study the patterns of their modulus in the plane (x, y) and their evolution according time and parameters a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5. When these parameters grow, triangle and rings structures are obtained.


Keywords :KP equation; Fredholm determinants; Wronskians; rogue waves; lumps.

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Posted July 10, 2018 05:57

Calendar July 10, 2018 05:52


 With the used of panel-country level export data, this paper investigates the impact of the internet on export performance in 41(Sub-Sahara Africa countries). With the internet being measured on two fundamentals aspect email and website, the econometrics result from both the Random effect Ordinary Least Square regression (OLS) model and Pooled estimate concluded that the internet is efficiently an important tool to promote export performance. Further diagnostic test using the GMM Generalize Method of Moment to test for endogeneity problem signifies all variables used have a significant effect on export performance with giving more validation of the data indicating the absence of endogeneity. The empirical analysis allows us to take into consideration of Self-Selection biased on the reason for some firms weak export performance, which was due to their geographical locations creating a higher cost on the flow of weak Internet penetration. Therefore, the research concludes that firms with higher internet penetration are more likely to use email in promoting their export performance by 23% than firms that do not. With geographical location, which is seen as a natural phenomenon being sighted as the main problem towards inefficient internet penetration leading to higher cost, it is recommended that government policies are the best to mitigating this problem,  that is,  formulating a solid policies for those oligopolistic behavior of some large submarine cable operators that makes prices very high for connectivity and that government should also enforce quality investment into internet infrastructure to disrate the weight of firms marginal cost. 


Keywords :Internet; export performance; Sub-Sahara Countries; influence.

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Posted July 10, 2018 05:52

Calendar July 10, 2018 05:47



The association between human papilloma virus and cervical cancer has been clearly established and is a vaccine preventable disease. Cervical cancer, in India is the second most common cancer in women aged 15-44 years and accounts for 67,477 deaths annually. The article provides a comprehensive review of cervical cancer in India and recommendations for a vaccination strategy.


Keywords :Cervical cancer; HPV; vaccine; India.

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Posted July 10, 2018 05:47

Calendar July 9, 2018 04:35



The difference in the economic growth rate in all countries of the world and its great variability within each country are the some of the stylized growth facts that Kaldor argued [1]. China is not exempt from this type of economic regularity. Its lowest growth rate in the last 60 years was the order of -18.8% in 1961 and the highest of 15.2% in 1984 according to the database Penn World Table. The objective of the paper is to explain how variable determines the variability of the growth rate of the Chinese economy. Therefore, the Harrod growth model is used and non-parametric estimates are made as well as estimates using the ordinary least squares method and the Granger causality test. The results show that the marginal product capital ratio determines and causes the growth rate of the Chinese economy.

Keywords :

Economics growth; incremental capital output ratio; marginal propensity to save.

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Posted July 9, 2018 04:35

Calendar July 9, 2018 04:31



 This study attempts to carry out a comprehensive analysis on the theme: Customer Service Delivery and the Sustainability of Commercial Banks in Cameroon: The case of Union Bank of Cameroon PLC. The objectives targeted were to: determine the socio-economic characteristics of UBC customers, analyze the nature of customer service delivery practice in Union Bank of Cameroon, examine the effect of customer service delivery on the sustainability of the bank, discuss the constraints faced by the Union Bank of Cameroon in customers service deliver and derive policy implication to improve the customer service – bank sustainability relationship. Methodologically, we used multiple correspondence analyses to create a customer service delivery indicator and a probit model for regression estimates.  Primary data were collected using purposive sampling with 153 questionnaires administered amongst bank customers.  The results show that customer service delivery strongly correlates with bank sustainability while results by nature of services reveal that customers of Union Bank of Cameroon appreciate more account operation services, security and confidentiality of customer’s information, staff attitude and location of the bank.  As concerning bank’s constraints, we observed that policies related to loan, confidentiality, security, advertisement and networking are the major challenges of the bank. Therefore, we recommend that financial authorities operating in the banking sector and decision makers should create policies geared towards customer satisfaction.  This is a major step towards financial stability and growth of financial institutions.

 Keywords :

Customer service delivery; sustainability; commercial banks; UBC.

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Posted July 9, 2018 04:31