Calendar July 21, 2018 06:00



The present paper investigates the motion and stability of infinitesimal mass around the triangular equilibrium points in the ER3BP, assuming bigger primary an oblate and radiating source and the smaller one a triaxial rigid body. An application of this model could be the study of motion of the satellite under the effect of oblateness of Sun and triaxiality of Earth. The linear stability of the system has been analysed.It has been found that the system is stable for any value of radiating pressure, oblateness and triaxiality.


Keywords : Restricted three body problem; oblateness; triaxiality; elliptic restricted three body problem.

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Posted July 21, 2018 06:00

Calendar July 21, 2018 05:56


 Inventory control or inventory optimization is a method of balancing investment to achieve the service-level goal. Here we consider two warehouse inventory models. One is of finite capacity treated as OW (Owned Warehouse) which is at market place and other warehouse is of infinite capacity treated as RW (Rented Warehouse) which is at some other place from the market. Here the objective is to minimize the total cost .In this work Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is used to optimize or to minimize the cost. The results produced from the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) are compared with mathematical model and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Results show that the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) optimized the results more than traditional mathematical model and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).


Keywords : Inventory; two-warehouse; Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).

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Posted July 21, 2018 05:56

Calendar July 21, 2018 05:52


This study is relates on Albardine (Lygeum spartum L.) wich is a perennial poaceae of the Mediterranean region, threatened with disappearance. For the sake of conservation of this species, we proceeded to the laboratory trials germ behavior of caryopses contained in the infrutescences of two provenances of the species studied (steppe and coastal) with respect to various physical and chemical pretreatments and salinity. The inflorescences of the two provenances have shown different from each other, in particular by the number of caryopses in each of them and by their germination response with regard to the different pretreatments employees. The inflorescences of Albardine the steppe region (Ain-Sekhona station) are mostly represented by three caryopses (45.63%), those in the coastal region (Sidi Djelloul station) by two caryopses (64.66%). The pre-soaking in distilled water for 24 hours and chemical scarification by pure sulfuric acid (97%) for 4 hours, allowed lifting the inhibition integumentary affecting caryopses, by leading to better germination at an optimal temperature of 20°C compared to the witness. Germination tests under different salt sea water concentrations showed that caryopses of steppe region have a tolerance threshold (2% equivalent to 31.3 ms/cm) higher than in caryopses of the coastal region (1% equivalent to 15.6 ms/cm). These results serve certainly for ex-situ conservation of Albardine for the production of plants which can be used to strengthen threatened populations under natural conditions.
Keywords : Lygeum spartum L.; caryopses; germination; physico-chemical pretreatment; salinity; conservation.
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Posted July 21, 2018 05:52

Calendar July 21, 2018 05:50



Aims: As the higher cockroaches (CKRs) concentrations in houses are associated with allergic diseases, our objective was to determine the concentration levels of CKRs allergen.

Study Design: Quantitative and qualitative determinations of CKRs’ antigenic component in indoor environment of diagnosed allergic patients and non-allergic individuals.

Methodology: A total of 560 House Dust Samples (HDS) were randomly collected from patient and control houses and grouped under coastal and non-coastal regions. HDS were extracted in Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) and analyzed by ELISA using antibodies obtained from Indoor Biotechnologies, USA.

Results: Bla g 1 and Bla g 2, being two main allergenic components in Blattella germanica, constituted 42.3% and 35.5% respectively. Bla g 1 with 28.7% and 23.6% of Bla g 2 were present in control houses compared to 13.6% of Bla g 1 and 11.4% of Bla g 2 in patient houses. A comparison of data resulted in 7.3% of Bla g 1 and 5.3% of Bla g 2 in coastal compared to 35.3% and 29.4% in non-coastal regions. As the clinical threshold levels of both allergens are different, Bla g 2 marginally higher (2.3 µg/g) in patient than control samples (1.8 µg/g). By contrast, Bla g 1 was less prevalent in patient (1.5 U/g) compared to control houses (16.5 U/g).

Conclusion: There appear to be no major variation in the concentration levels of Bla g 1 and Bla g 2 between patients and control houses. Nevertheless, Bla g 2 was found to be marginally higher in patients’ samples.


Keywords : Cockroaches; allergic diseases; asthma.

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Posted July 21, 2018 05:50

Calendar July 21, 2018 05:47


 Photon interaction parameters such as mass attenuation coefficients, effective atomic numbers and effective electron densities for thorium, uranium and plutonium compounds have been studied in the present paper. The photon interaction properties for the compounds were investigated for partial interaction processes like photoelectric effect, Compton scattering and pair production. The values of these parameters have been found to change with photon energy and atomic numbers. The variations of mass attenuation coefficients, effective atomic number and electron density with energy are shown graphically. The effective atomic numbers of the compounds vary from 28.86 to 60.79 at 1 MeV. Moreover, results have shown that these compounds are superior shielding with smaller dimensions (thickness and volume). The study would be useful for applications for gamma ray shielding requirement.


Keywords : Plutonium; uranium; attenuation coefficients; shielding; gamma ray.

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Posted July 21, 2018 05:47

Calendar July 20, 2018 06:38



We consider Potts and solid-on-solid model (so called mixed P-SOS model), with spin values which belong to a discrete set such as 0, 1, 2, …, m on an arbitrary branched Cayley tree. For the statement m=2, we obtain a special class of translation-invariant splitting Gibbs measures of the P-SOS model thanks to determining fixed points of a rational function.


Keywords : Gibss measure; P-SOS model; phase transition; fixed point.

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Posted July 20, 2018 06:38

Calendar July 20, 2018 06:34



Each medicinal plant or a specific plant part used as crude drug material contains active chemical constituents with a characteristic profile that can be used for chemical quality control and quality assurance. So far, not much pharmacognostical work has been done on Ephedra gerardiana. The present investigation was, therefore, undertaken to evaluate various qualitative and quantitative characteristics of E. gerardiana, the findings of which will be helpful in setting standards of this medicinal plant. E. gerardiana is a gymnospermic plant with xeromorphic characteristics. It has sunken stomata and thick cuticle, and the stem is the photosynthetic organ which may thus be called a phylloclade. True foliage leaves are absent and the whole habit is suggestive of a shrubby Equisetum. The most interesting feature in E. gerardiana is the presence of vessels, resembling those of angiosperms. It shows a general pattern like that of dicot stem, i.e. conjoint, collateral and open vascular bundles with endarch xylem arranged in a ring.


Keywords : Ephedrine, scale leaf, sunken stomata, crystals of calcium oxalate, resin, HPTLC profile.

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Posted July 20, 2018 06:34

Calendar July 20, 2018 06:30



In this paper, we introduce the concept of SH-unitary matrices (Secondary Hermitian Unitary) and derived some results related to SH-unitary matrices.


Keywords : SH-unitary matrices; s-hermitian matrices; s-transpose.

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Posted July 20, 2018 06:30

Calendar July 20, 2018 06:28



This study is concerned about the gas exchange between air and water in plunging jet. Gas transfer by a plunging jet into a receiving pool of the same liquid is of particular interest to the engineers due to its importance in aeration and reduction of the carbon dioxide. A simple model is presented here which enables to estimate the gas transfer and discussed about gas transfer efficiency. Finally we have observed that the values of the gas transfer co-efficient and the gas transfer efficiency of plunging water jets are varied with jet velocity, jet thickness and jet power respectively.


Keywords : Breaking waves; bubbles; air entrainment; plunging water jet; oxygenation.

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Posted July 20, 2018 06:28

Calendar July 20, 2018 06:26



Identification and quantification of carotenoids from yam and cocoyam were evaluated after different processing methods. Seven carotenoids were identified by HPLC-DAD both in the raw and processed tubers. The mean carotenoids in yam, D. cayenensis was α-carotene (0.78 µg/g), 9-cis-β-carotene (0.71 µg/g), all-trans-β-carotene (1.28 µg/g); in D. bulbifera was lutein (1.53 µg/g), 9-cis-β-carotene (0.39 µg/g), all-trans-β-carotene (0.19 µg/g). Cocoyam,   X. maffa (Scoth) had lutein (0.95 µg/g), α-carotene (1.35 µg/g), 9-cis-β-carotene (0.78 µg/g) and all-trans-β-carotene (1.91 µg/g). The impact of methods of processing show that the loss of 9-cis-β-carotene and/or all-trans β-carotene in the boiled process was associated with increase in 13-cis-β-carotene in the yam /cocoyam samples. Roasted method show minimal loss of carotenoids when compared with fried and oven-dried methods. Mean percentage retention of total carotenoids after processing was boiling (80.1%), roasting (79%), oven-drying (24.51%) and frying (15%). There was relative good retention of total carotenoids in the boiled and roasted process to improve human nutrition.


Keywords : D. cayenensis; D. bulbiferaX. maffa (Scoth); processing methods; carotenoids; % retention.

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Posted July 20, 2018 06:26

Calendar July 20, 2018 06:22



Ticks are ectoparasites of medical and veterinary importance. The Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato complex deserves particular attention for its distribution in all the continents, parasitizing mainly the domestic dog as well as man. The primary function of the ticks gut is to conduct and digest blood, and its digestion occurs preferably in the interior of the midgut cells, through the fusion of endosomes and lysosomes, organelles containing hydrolytic enzymes, such as acid phosphatase. The present study detected and posteriorly evaluated the presence of this enzyme in the midgut cells of R. sanguineus s. l. fed for 2 and 4 days on rabbit hosts. The results showed that all the cell types responded positively to the acid phosphatase activity, with variations in intensity and location. Digestive cells showed weak or strong staining, and the generative cells were strongly stained in the 4-day fed. The strong positive staining for acid phosphatase was observed in the different midgut cells, especially in the generative ones (stem cells) that reinforces the multifunctionality of the digestive/secretory cells. In the feeding period of 2 days, it was observed secretory cells in the midgut of the R. sanguineus s.l. females. Thus, the presence of acid phosphatase, both in generative and digestive/secretory cells, places this enzyme as an important target for further studies aiming to find new strategies to control ticks, considering the fundamental role of the midgut in the absorption and digestion of the host’s blood, ensuring the survival of the ectoparasites and their offspring as well (nutrients for the oogenesis).


Keywords : Cytochemistry; digestive cells; generative cells; enzymatic reaction; Rhipicephalus sanguineus s.l.; ticks.

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Posted July 20, 2018 06:22

Calendar July 19, 2018 05:18


 The aim of our present study was determine the lactotransferrin (also called as lactoferrin) content from whey protein in bovine milk samples using flow cytometry. For these studies, whey protein (200 µl) containing cells were stained with lactoferrin FITC (Fluorescein isothiocyanate) and evaluated the percentage of lactoferrin content in bovine milk samples and also observed the forward scatter (shape and size) and side scatter (granularity of the cell) using flow cytometer. The results showed that whey protein containing cells from bovine milk samples showed variation in the lactoferrin content (22.39 to 36.56%) where as lactoferrin capsule used as standard bind with FITC for these studies showed maximum amount of lactoferrin content (39 to 41.89%) as compared to whey protein containing cells of bovine milk samples which was evidenced through increased in the level of forward scatter but decreased in the level of side scatter. Overall, the results showed that whey protein of bovine milk samples expressed lactoferrin content which is determined through flow cytometric analysis.


Keywords : Whey protein; lactoferrin; flow cytometer; forward scatter; side scatter.

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Posted July 19, 2018 05:18

Calendar July 19, 2018 05:15


 Aloe vera, a member of the liliaceal family, is a well-known medicinal plant that has been used from ancient times. It acts as a moisturizing agent, for the treatment of minor burns, skin abrasions and irritations and can even heal ulcers and has thus proved its role in dentistry for its wound-healing effects, reduction of gingivitis, plaque control and curing oral mucosal lesions. This review article has been framed after going through several search engines and PUBMED indexed journals over the last ten years to explore the role of aloe vera in oral health.


Keywords : Anti-microbial; antioxidant; anthraquinone; lignin; oral ulcer.

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Posted July 19, 2018 05:15

Calendar July 19, 2018 05:13


 As many countries in the world, Morocco is facing problems in the supply of water due to an increasing demand and decrease of conventional resources. To face the problems, Morocco proceeded since a long time to use other non conventional water resources such as wastewater reuse or desalinating water. The desalination option which was limited to south and coasts extends more and more towards the central regions.

Mrirt is among the north cities where a construction of desalination plant is expected soon. The city is far from the coast and the water to be treated is slightly brackish. The city already has a standard treatment plant of drinking water. The National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water and Ibn Tofail University decided to conduct this study to compare the performances of Reverse Osmosis and Nano filtration technologies.
The experiments are conducted using pilot plants and various commercial membranes such as BW30LE4040, NF90 and NF270. Several parameters were examined in order to optimize the system performance, including operating pressure, flux, system recovery, salt rejection and specific energy consumption (SEC).
The obtained results showed that the experiment results appear to be compatible with those obtained by the software prediction.
The experiment results at 10 bars of feed pressure, for BW30 the values of recovery rate is 28% and 0.95 kwh/mof energy consumption. For NF90, the recovery rate is 30% and 0.75 kwh/m3 of energy. But in the predict results, and under the same of the operating conditions pilot plant, the values of energy consumption are 0.91 of BW30 and 0.70 of NF90.
Thus, the prediction software results shows that the maximum recovery rate can be achieved to 85% at 20 l/h/m2 of average flux, andthe operating pressure needed to run the RO membrane is significantly higher (14, 6 bar as compared to 9, 90 bar) than the NF membrane.


Keywords : Membrane; Nanofiltration; reverse osmosis; brackish water; pilot plant.

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Posted July 19, 2018 05:13

Calendar July 19, 2018 05:09


 Bacterial cellulose is a biopolymer produced from of Gluconoacetobacter sp. RV28 has versatile application in the biomedical field. The bacterial cellulose biocompatibility, water holding capability, never dried gel, microfiber structure make it suits for scaffolds for tissue engineering, carriers for drug delivery, neuron protection, vascular grafts and wound healing. Moreover the bacterial cellulose alone itself not having any antimicrobial activity the implementation of antimicrobial agent is required for its effect. The Tridax procumbens leaf extract was known for its wound healing activity from ancient days, this idea were utilized in the present study to achieve wound healing activity. In this connection the present study represents bacterial gelimmersion in ethanol and methanol leaf extract of Tridax procumbens for 48 h and examined for its antimicrobial effect. The Tridax procumbens based bacterial cellulose showed strong antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive). Candida albicans (Yeast) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa; E. coli(Gram-negative). Hence this Tridax procumbens based biopolymer is excellent product for wound healing activity.


Keywords : Bacterial cellulose; Tridax procumbensGluconoacetobacter sp. RV28.

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Posted July 19, 2018 05:09

Calendar July 19, 2018 05:00


 The connection of flame atomic absorption spectrometry directly with extractions/FIA as a complete flow system was investigated. This system was used successively in the extraction and determination of dichromate ion using different crown ethers (15C5, 18C6, DB18C6, DCH18C6 and DB24C8) and various organic solvents, viz. 1, 2-dichloroethane, chloroform, toluene, 50% toluene +50% nitrobenzene, and nitrobenzene) with injection rate 37.5 samples/hr and injection volume 80 µL. The effect of different cationic and anionic interferences that may present in the natural samples was studied. The method has acceptable precision which can be used for extraction and determination of Cr (VI) in natural samples.


Keywords :

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Posted July 19, 2018 05:00

Calendar July 19, 2018 04:51


 Pharmaceuticals and medical researchers keep investigating and working to find ‎and synthesize new drugs to treat various types of pathological conditions, and also ‎to overcome bacterial resistance to known antibiotics‎. Thirteen compounds were prepared referred as (C1-C13) from Parra aminoacetophenone after treated with sodium nitrite‎ in the presence of hydrochloric acid to get diazonium salt. (C1). Then compound (C1) was retreated with different aromatic aldehydes ‎‎(o- hydroxyl benzaldehyde, p- N, N-Di methyl benzaldehyde, - o ‎chlorobenzaldehyde; o-nitro benzaldehyde), to get (C2- C5). Then these ‎compound (C2- C5) ‎were treated with furfural to get Compound (C6-C9). Compounds (C6- C9). And the later compounds were re treated again with hydrazine hydrate to get compounds (C10- C13). The chemical structures of the synthesized products were structurally confirmed on ‎the basis of IR, characterized by (FT-IR) and (H-NMR) (10, 11) and melting points. The prepared compounds showed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureusE. coIi, KIebseilIa pneumonia,‎ and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The results of this work ‎indicated a promises future for new antibacterial drugs.


Keywords : New pyrazoline derivatives; antibacterial chemicals; Parra aminoacetophenone. ‎

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Posted July 19, 2018 04:51

Calendar July 18, 2018 00:38



Crambe (Crambe abssynica Hoechst) is a winter oilseed crop that has a high of oil content and it can be used as a raw matter for biodiesel production. The experiments to evaluate the effect of P fertilizers on growth and P uptake of Crambe have been conducted from July to August in 2011 and 2012 at the Western Paraná State, Brazil. The used soil was classified as dystrophic Oxisol Udic, collected in Cascavel, Paraná - Brazil. The results were submitted to ANOVA and SNK test at 5% probability. The green house experiment was arranged as completely randomized design, consisted of four treatments (control, 75 kg P205 as NP = natural phosphate, 75 kg P205 as SS = simple superphosphate, and mixture of 37.5 kg P205 - NP and 37.5 P205 of SS) and provided with six replications. The experimental results revealed that the highest chlorophyll content, plant height and phosphorus content in crambe leaves were obtained by the application P fertilizers. Application of NP increased plants height about 45% in 2011 and 66% in the 2012.


Keywords : Crambeabs synica hoechst; superphosphate; natural phosphate.

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Posted July 18, 2018 00:38

Calendar July 18, 2018 00:35



Guar is processed to extract endosperm which is pulverised to powder, popularly known as guar gum. Presently guar gum is extracted using dry milling method in which 12-17% gum is lost during dehulling. A new wet pretreatment process comprising soaking guar seeds to 72-78% moisture content (dry basis) followed by dehulling using a new machine resulted into more than 90% dehulled seeds with less than 3% broken and powder formation. The guar gum powder obtained by this pretreatment method was evaluated and its physico-chemical and rheological properties were compared with commercial guar gum sample. Rheological properties of 1% aqueous solutions were studied in the temperature range of 20-60°C. Powder obtained by wet process was darker in colour, while proximate composition and pH of solution was equal to that of dry-milled gum. Rheological behaviour of both samples was similar (P≥0.05) with respect to apparent viscosity, yield stress, and consistency index. Yield stress decreased with increased temperature obeying the Arrhenius relationship (E=3.63 kJ/mol) and varied between 4.78-5.79 Pa for gum prepared by wet process. Generalized Herschel-Bulkley model described adequately the flow behaviour of both samples. This study showed that the guar gum obtained by wet pretreatment process exhibited rheological properties similar to those of commercial guar gum with fewer losses in gum production process.


Keywords : Guar gum; mathematical modelling; steady state rheology; wet dehulling; yield stress.

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Posted July 18, 2018 00:35

Calendar July 18, 2018 00:33



Elaboration of porous silica-alumina refractory insulating firebricks from mixtures of silica-sand and recycled alumina are investigated. Expanded perlite and sawdust were added to create the pores. Adding of expanded perlite gives more mechanically stronger refractory (FS: 36.7 MPa) but less porosity (p: 35.8%) compared to the refractory containing sawdust (FS: 29.7 MPa; p: 45.8%). The latters are characterized by their lower thermal conductivities (0.53 W/mK). The formation of cracks decreases the velocity of ultrasonic pulses travelling in the refractory because it depends on the density and elastic properties of the material. The thermal shock resistance shows the ability of the samples to withstand rapid changes in temperature. Various properties, such as toughness analysis, nitrogen adsorption and surface area were also examined.


Keywords :  Refractory; temperature; thermal conductivity; perlite; pore.

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Posted July 18, 2018 00:33