Calendar January 22, 2020 04:04

Over the few years, there is an increased interest in the microbial enzymes to overcome its inability to meet the current and future requirements of the World. In the search of a kind, sucrase has a vital role to play with its variety of applications, particularly in the food and biofuel productions. In addition to their vast and varied applications, newer microbes are to be screened for sucrase production with their desirable properties. There are two saccharolytic enzymes induced by sucrose in Bacillus species which is encoded by SacB and SacA in the an extracellular levansucrase and an intracellular, respectively. In this experimental analysis, Plackett Burman Design was used for screening of nutrients for sucrase production by Bacillus subtilis. Sucrase activity was optimized by Plackett Burman design in Production Medium and then purified by column chromatography. Using MINITAB 15 Software, Sucrose, Yeast Extract, and Ferrous Sulphate had major source influence on sucrase activity compared to other components. In column purification, maximum amount of enzymes was obtained from the concentration of 0.5M NaCl-eluted sample.

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Posted January 22, 2020 04:04

Calendar January 21, 2020 04:24

The objectives of this paper is to investigate the boundary value problem of the equation in the space of scalar functions with absolute continuous derivative of the nth order, and to establishes the effective and sufficient conditions for its bounded and it unique Solvability. Theorems were stated and prove under the Preliminaries note, about four Theorems with applications to prove the main results. The necessary and sufficient conditions that guarantee the studied boundary value problem to satisfy the Isotonic Property of the Green Operator was also established. My approach in this study improved on the literatures, to the case where more than two arguments of the studying equations were established, as in the case of one argument in the authors in [3,4].

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Posted January 21, 2020 04:24

Calendar January 18, 2020 02:48

The first double haploid lines were obtained in the anther culture more than 50 years ago, but so far their production remains more art than a well-established technology. There are a huge number of articles with conflicting information, both on preliminary processing of anthers and medias that determine the highest yield of regenerants, despite the fact that the relevance of research in this area is difficult to overestimate. Double haploid (DH) lines are used: For increasing efficiency of traditional breeding; obtaining populations of DH lines used in several stages of fixing heterosis effect (to remove semi-lethal genes, as well as homozygotization of material) and so on. The objective of the study is to investigate the efficiency of media for producing DH lines in anther culture of hybrids between Russian and foreign varieties. The anthers of 67 hybrid combinations, both interspecific and intraspecific hybrids, were used. 30-50 anthers were planted on Petri dish (6 сm). After formation of callus (size varied from 2 to 10 mm) on the medium for dedifferentiation, they were transferred to MS medium for regeneration. Plants from 5 cm in size were transferred to the root formation medium. We study the effectiveness of nutrient media, which are derivatives of N6, but with a different hormonal composition; and С, RZ media, the salt content was also changed. Medias RZ and C did not reliably differ in callus yield; the rest were reliably inferior to them in this trait. Therefore, to increase the yield of callus, a higher content of salts of KNO3, KH2PO4, MgSO4 • 7H2O, MnSO4 • 4H2O, ZnSO4 • 7H2O, H3BO3, CaCl2 • 2H2O vitamins is necessary. However, their hormonal composition is different. If the RZ medium contains naphthylacetic (NAA) and dichlorophenoxyacetic acids ( 2,4-D), then C is only 2,4-D. N6-based media, N6a and N6б contain only one auxin as well as C. In the study, the best results were shown by option with content of both hormones at a concentration 2 mg / l NAA and 1 mg/l 2,4-D. The results showed a significant positive effect of increasing iron (FeSO4 x 7 H2O) concentration (55.6 mg / L) both on callusogenesis and plant regeneration. In standard recipe of all the media used in the work, its concentration is 27.8 mg / l. To stimulate somatic embryogenesis, the media were modified also by the addition of abscisic acid (ABA) and silver nitrate AgNO3. Studies have shown that somatic embryogenesis is stimulated in many genotypes when using ABA in combination with cytokinins. Callusogenesis and regeneration in the considered combinations had maximum values ​​at AgNO3 concentration 2 mg/l and; 1 mg/l ABA for the of most of the studied hybrids.

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Posted January 18, 2020 02:48

Calendar January 17, 2020 04:54

The development of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) remains pivotal for transformation and amelioration of the living conditions of the citizens of the member states. It is therefore essential for countries that are members of SADC to realise economic prosperity, political liberalisation, social transformation and prudent utilisation of environmental finite resources through the active participation of citizens of the member states. The efforts that are geared towards the realisation of a prosperous SADC should be employed through the promotion of regionalised policies and re-characterisation of the citizenship agenda. SADC economic, political, social and technological interventions are marred with ostracising of the majority of the people in the regional bloc. The ostracising of some regional citizens is based on race, tribe, political affiliation, sexual orientation, socio-economic status and ideological orientation, which result in them been denied the opportunities to participate in the activities that are meant to transform their lives. The research presents some discourse on the role of adult education in sensitising and educating the ordinary people within the SADC countries, to generate narratives around the issues that lessen their power to participate actively in the efforts that are towards the building of the regional body, which is supposed to have a clear agenda for participatory development. It is noted that the SADC countries engage in various activities that are apt for their development, amidst the discriminatory characteristics that leave a significant number of the underprivileged and those with divergent views with no room to participate. The influence of the corporate entities has rendered the states in the SADC region less accommodative of indigenous ideas, with preference been given to exotic ideologies by the governing elites. The paper exemplifies this position by showing how Basarwa in countries such as Botswana, Namibia and South Africa do not play any noticeable economic, political, social and technological roles in the running of their respective countries. It is argued therefore that SADC should through Adult Education promote the necessary camaraderie and quid pro quo within the citizens of the SADC countries so that their knowledge of what obtains in their respective countries can be achieved. If the regional body is to be more responsive, it has to be more accommodative and it is through educating its constituents that it can realise both qualitative and quantitative forms of development. The paper argues that adult education is chiefly important for any form of development to take place because it is a vehicle through which underprivileged sections of the populations such as the San (Basarwa) can be transformed, so as to be knowledgeable, skilful and have germane attitudes to foster their participation and enhance regional development.

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Posted January 17, 2020 04:54

Calendar January 16, 2020 07:09

The thermostability enhancement of specified nanomagnetic combi-CLEAs of α-amylase and maltogenic amylase was evaluated by assessment of kinetic parameters, temperature dependence, enzyme half-life, thermal inactivation energy barriers (Ea(in)), and thermodynamic parameters in a storage thermostability approach at 55–95° C for 120 minutes. The Michaelis constant (Km) values of NM-Combi-CLEAs was diminished within 1.5 folds while The catalytic efficiency was enhanced near 1.32 after CLEAs formation. The half-lives of the fabricated nano-bio catalyst increased about 2.5 folds at 95º C. Besides, Ea(in) of the native combined enzymes was appended from 44.75 into 54.76 (KJ.mol-1) and ΔH* increased from 41.69 to 51.70 (KJ.mol-1) while, ΔS* decreased 28.2% after immobilization. The NM-Combi-CLEAs conserved 80.4% of its original activity after ten cycles. Hence, the advanced technique for NM-Combi-CLEAs production is introduced as an effective and secured method to fabrication of recyclable immobilized enzyme also, resolving of mass transfer limitation difficulties and ease in enzyme handling.

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Posted January 16, 2020 07:09

Calendar January 11, 2020 04:55

Cheese is a solid, fresh or ripened product obtained by adding the enzyme rennet in the presence of lactic acid produced by the adventitious microorganisms that causes coagulation and whey separation of milk, cream or partly skimmed milk, buttermilk. Cheeses of different types especially soft and semi-soft are suspected to the presence of pathogenic E. coli and Staphylococcus sp. which are harmful for public health. The purpose of the current research was to investigate the qualities of cheese collected from super-shops of Chattogram. A total of 15 cheese samples were collected from three super-shops of Chattogram. Among 15 cheese samples, the S3 sample collected from shop-B had the highest bacterial load (1.80×107 cfu/ml) than those in shop-A and shop-C. Isolation of pathogenic E. coli, Staphylococcus sp. was done by using selective media. Four out of the total 15 cheese samples were found to be contaminated with E. coli (26.67%) while ten were detected as contaminated with Staphylococcus sp. (67%). The antibiotic susceptibility test was done to detect susceptibility to selective antibiotics. E. coli and Staphylococcus sp. showed almost 100% resistant behavior to ampicillin, amoxycilin, tetracycline and 50% sensitivity of E. coli to gentamicin and ciprofloxacin while for Staphylococcus sp. sensitivity to gentamicin, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin was 27.27%, 90.91%, 18.18% respectively. The screening for shiga-toxin strains in E. coli isolates was based on the detection of the two genes stx1 & stx2 and tetracycline resistant strains of E. coli were detected for Tet A, Tet B & Tet C genes by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The screening for methicillin resistant in Staphylococcus sp. isolates was based on the detection of the mecA gene by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In conclusion, the risk of pathogenic bacteria is higher in cheese if safety measures not maintained & could pose a massive health risk.

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Posted January 11, 2020 04:55

This study investigated the influence of self-efficacy on the academic performance of the Grade 12 Senior High School students at the St. Paul College of Bocaue. The findings of the study concluded that the level of the self-efficacy of the respondents was high. Likewise, the findings suggested that the students are resilient and determined in the face of setbacks, feel assured that they will be able to learn the classroom discussion and excel on their assessment, and they tend to be more intrinsically motivated to learn new knowledge. Furthermore, the computed linear regression analysis results revealed that self-efficacy does not significantly affect the Senior High School students’ academic performance. This suggests that even if the students have a high level of self-efficacy it doesn’t influence their academic performance in class. However, it doesn’t mean that the school should not give importance to develop the students’ self-efficacy. Hence, it is suggested that the school should continue its academic programs that will continuously develop the student’s well-being in the process of acquiring relevant experiences and skills in the school.

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Posted January 11, 2020 04:55

Calendar January 11, 2020 04:54

In the present study, the lipase of alkaline nature obtained from the previously isolated strain Aspergillus costaricaensis CBS115574 was characterized and purified out using ammonium sulfate precipitation and chromatographic techniques on Diethylaminoethyl A-50 and Sephadex G-100. The purified lipase has the molecular weight of ~50 kDa which was determined by Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and Zymography by using the phenol red along with the purification fold of 6.63 and specific activity of 31.73 IU/mg after the gel filtration chromatography. Lipase was found to be stabilized at the pH 7 (122.68 IU/g/min) and at the temperature of 80ºC (141.36 IU/g/min) with its optimal activity at pH 8 and temperature 50ºC. The Km and Vmax value for extracellular lipase were reported to be 29.62 mM and 74.07 IU/ml with their higher tolerance to glycerol (organic solvent), tween 80 (detergent), Ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (activator & inhibitor), hydrogen peroxide (oxidizing & reducing agent) and sodium chloride (metal ions) with lipase activity of 106.74 IU/g/min, 84.53 IU/g/min, 108.06 IU/g/min, 97.17 IU/g/min and 118.7 IU/g/min. The above results suggested that A. costaricaensis CBS115574 lipase found a suitable position for application in different types of industries.

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Posted January 11, 2020 04:54

In the present study, Aspergillus costaricaensis CBS115574 which was previously isolated from the non-leguminous field soil collected from the Kishangarh city of state Rajasthan confirmed by 16S rRNA gene/ITS/D1-D2 region sequencing. The cultural parameters (Carbon sources, nitrogen sources, moisture content, pH, temperature and particle size etc) of solid-state fermentation have been optimized for the improved extracellular lipase production. Among different carbon sources, A. costaricaensis showed best lipase activity (253.6 IU/g/min) in the presence of lactose. Among the various concentration (0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8%, 1.0%, 1.2%, 1.4% and 1.6%) of lactose, the optimum concentration was found to be 1.6%. Among different nitrogen sources, highest lipase activity (55.32 IU/g/min) was obtained in the presence of yeast extract and the optimum concentration of yeast extract was found to be 0.5% for maximum lipase activity (236.69 IU/g). Further the best lipase activity was obtained in the medium of pH 8.0 (312.330 IU/g/min) at 28ºC after 48 hrs of incubation period. Further the particle size of solid substrate was optimized and highest lipase activity was found when fine particle size was used. Among the various ratio of moisture content, highest lipase activity (317.09 IU/g/min) was found at 1:6 moisture content. From the present work, it is figure out that for the enhanced production of lipases the medium parameters required to be optimized. The above results help out the authors in carry out the further studies of purification and characterization of lipase enzyme produced from A. costaricaensis CBS115574.

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Posted January 11, 2020 04:54

Experiments performed of calcium carbonate production by passing carbon dioxide through within calcium hydroxide mixture prepared in deionized water are considered at low to high temperature each at a time. In this paper, a built fuzzy interface model of inputs pH, time and temperature with output reaction conversion is constructed. Considering a constant temperature, fuzzy inference of carbon dioxide consumption is orderly inference. Various membership functions, each at a time, are placed to find representation with the process output. Broader shoulder membership function response is found closing.

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Posted January 11, 2020 04:54

Calendar January 10, 2020 04:57

In this work, considering a jet of air from the aside slit; scope is the air jetting onto the fluids contained within the container; the control volume is constructed. This wall bounded closure is simulated after meshing for various situations and jet path shows several flow zones. For empty system the jet shows turns and returns along the walls which elucidate the bubble formation and air trap positions. When the system is put with fluids compositely, in a half space, the layers are formed which may define the zone rising or flowing down with jet regimes. Gaseous mixture striding waves are observed too. Different levels of mass transfer are identified at interfaces and zones are isolated. These aftermath numerical practicals show the way to explain many operations during processing.

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Posted January 10, 2020 04:57

Calendar January 7, 2020 02:56

The quality of the roots of Securinega virosa (Euphorbiaceae) commonly marketed in Ghana for medicinal purposes needs to be assured through standard quality control procedures. This work has isolated and characterized a biomarker to be used in assessing the quality of products and herbal preparations containing the roots of Securinega virosa. Using column chromatography of 20 g ethanolic roots extract; 0.02% w/w biomarker was obtained and characterized by melting point determination, UV-Vis, IR, 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic analysis and comparison to reported literature. The biomarker was identified as Bergenin. A RP-HPLC method has been developed and validated for the quality control of S. virosa root preparations with Bergenin as standard. The most appropriate resolution was attained by a gradient elution of methanol: 0.05% v/v trifluoroacetic acid in water using Waters Bondapak C18 (3.9×300 mm, 5 μ) column at a flow rate of 1.0 ml/min and a wavelength of 220 nm. The retention time of the biomarker was found to be 14.20 ± 0.01 mins. The method was subjected to ICH guidelines for validation and showed a good linearity with a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.9993. The LOD and LOQ were found to be 15.23 mg/L and 46.16 mg/L respectively. Tolerable levels of accuracy, precision, specificity and robustness were observed. The developed RP-HPLC method estimated 0.465%w/w Bergenin in the roots of S. virosa and may therefore be employed in the quality control of product containing roots of S. virosa.

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Posted January 7, 2020 02:56

Calendar January 6, 2020 04:23

Liquid-water is introduced at different temperature from side and upstream in a tee pipeline domain. The operation is simulated after construction of control volume and triangular tetrahedral mesh generations are performed. Smaller global fine remeshing hung the work station and for this case, without remeshing, the grid is refined locally at jet region. Effects of the region adaption are shown and swapping is executed to improve computation. Profiles along centerline of side jet and profiles along the centerline of the pipe, away from the jet, are almost identical, however, for the jet zones the profiles showed certain differentiation. An increase in the number of cells results in a larger increase in the unit time required for convergence from machine to machine. The use of the finest refinement is recommended at the gradients.

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Posted January 6, 2020 04:23

Calendar January 3, 2020 23:51

There is an actual need to efficiently store and retrieve RDF data like the number and scale of Semantic Web in real-word applications in practice growth. As datasets are linked together, scalability becomes more critical. Efficient data storage and query processing that can scale to large amounts of possibly schema-less data have become an important research topic. The Study objective is to highlight A classification of RDF storage approach; and illustrations a view of two types of RDF data stores (Traditional database stores, NoSQL database stores) And therefore, this paper gives a brief overview of storing RDF data.

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Posted January 3, 2020 23:51

Calendar January 3, 2020 05:14

Calcium carbonate is an active component of the limestone. Calcium Carbonate Equivalent and the Effective Calcium Carbonate Equivalent give a numeric to the effectiveness of different liming materials. The first method compares a particular quarry's stone with the neutralizing power of pure calcium carbonate [1]. In this paper, the process of mixing calcium hydroxide into deionized water and jet bubbling carbon dioxide gas reacting through the contained is used. Output reaction conversion on inputs: acidity, reaction time, stirring, pressure and temperature is interfaced creating a fuzzy interfacing model. Reaction conversion is implicated on inputs of acidity and reaction time for a temperature value keeping other variables constant and assuming homogeneous reaction throughout within reactor. Gas flow gauge is fall timely and considering parametric and variability change, this is depicted.

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Posted January 3, 2020 05:14

Calendar January 2, 2020 05:28

Oil and gas industry is exposed to high risk of HSE compliance issues. The industry is highly risky by its nature, which include complex operations and procedures. Health, safety and environment (HSE) knowledge is vital requirement for employees to enrol themselves in oil and gas industry. This project aims to find the level of HSE knowledge of the Iraqi novice civil engineers working in Iraqi oil and gas industry and compare it with senior engineers and aims to identify the project managers’ expectations regarding HSE knowledge for the Iraqi novice civil engineers to determine the gap between the knowledge of novice civil engineers on HSE and expectations of project managers on novice civil engineers at Iraqi oil and gas industry. From the analysis, it was deduced that novice civil engineers are having moderate knowledge on the HSE elements of oil and gas industry. Lowest RII was observed for hazard analysis, prevention and safety. Comparison of senior and novice civil engineers revealed that there is significant gap between their knowledge levels of HSE elements. Interview approach showed that project managers expect novice civil engineers to have basic awareness, knowledge and skills related to the industry safety. Gaps were observed in terms of novice civil engineer knowledge on basic HSE elements and their accountability in sustaining a safety environment.

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Posted January 2, 2020 05:28

Calendar January 1, 2020 04:57

The study assessed the diversity of the indigenous tree species and also produce of a compendium of information on the various medicinal uses of the indigenous tree species and their parts in Bagale Hill Forest Reserve, Girei Local Government of Adamawa State, Nigeria. Sample plots method was used in the assessment of the indigenous tree species using the simple random sampling technique. Five plots measuring 50 m x 50 m were selected within the study site. All matured trees within the plots were identified and a total count of them was carried out. Information on ethonomedicinal uses of indigenous trees was obtained through oral interviews Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Five (5) communities out of Fifteen (15) were randomly selected for this purpose. Result of the findings indicated that 38 indigenous trees species belonging to 15 families were encountered in all the five (5) plots inventoried in the study site. Results further indicate that Hexalobus monopetalus, Piliostigma thonningii, Prosopis africana, Acacia ataxacantha and Grewia molis were common to all the sites. Annona senegalensis, Detarrium microcarpum, Terminalia glaucescens, Hymenocardia acida and Ficus sycomorus were common to four site in the study area while all other species were found in either three, two or one area of the study site. Shannon Diversity Index 2.709, 3.124, 2.614, 2.551 and 2.958 respectively for sites A to E, Simpson Diversity Index stood at 0.925, 0.9467, 0.908, 0.9091 and 0.9304, Dominance stood at 0.075, 0.05332, 0.9201, 0.09091 and 0.0696, Evenness index were 0.8835, 0.7841, 0.8028, 0.8546 and 0.7706 while Equitability Index stood at 0.9563, 0.9278, 0.9225, 0.942 and 0.9191 respectively. The various families encountered were; Anacaediaceae, Annonaceae, Balanitaceae, Bombacaceae, Burseraceae, Caesalpinioideae, Capparaceae, Combretaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Hymenocardiaceae, Mimosoideae, Moraceae, Sapotaceae, Tiliaceae and Verbenaceae. The plant parts used for medicinal purposes are roots, barks, leaves, stems, Epiphyte etc. The formulation for medication include; boiling, soaking, etc. Methods of administration include, drinking, bathing, adding to food as spices and chewing. Among the ailments treated are dysentery, diarrhea, diabetes, Tuberculosis, Meningities, Blood tonic, High blood Pressure, Worms, Typhoid Fever, Cancer, Malnutrition, Tumors, Wound Healing, Jaundice, Epilepsy and Rheumatism. It can be thus be concluded that the sharp decrease in biological tree species across the globe and the increasing economic values placed on medicinal plants, documentation on ethnobatanical knowledge is a way to understand the use of different plant species to cure various ailments and means to conserve these natural resources. From the findings of the study the following recommendations are hereby made; the local people need to be trained, encouraged and supported on how to conserve and manage the medicinal plant species, Young generation need awareness to avoid negative impacts on the medicinal plants and associated knowledge in the area, hence, documentation of the medicinal plants of the area needs to continue.

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Posted January 1, 2020 04:57

Calendar December 31, 2019 04:11

The study assessed the proximate composition of dry cake available in the local market of Chattogram, Bangladesh. The proximate pieces of dry cake of different brands were resolved by the standard method of Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). Proximate analysis was performed on nine brands (Brand A to I). Results of proximate analysis showed that moisture content of different brands of dry cake ranged from 0.25% to 3.22%, ash content ranged from 0.16% to 0.71%, fat content ranged from 25.30% to 31.57%, protein content ranged from 6.44% to 12.78%, carbohydrate content ranged from 58.48% to 63.16% respectively. The energy value of different brands of dry cake ranged from 515.54 (Kcal/100g) to 545.53(Kcal/100g) respectively. This composition shows that the structure varies from brand to brand and the dry cake could be a good source of protein, fat and high energy.

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Posted December 31, 2019 04:11

Calendar December 30, 2019 05:18

In Morocco, saffron is grown in the areas of Taliouine (provine of Taroudante) and Taznakht (province of Ouarzazate). Studies on fungi related to this crop are still very rare. Mycological studies on mycoflora associated with Saffron (Crocus sativus) from the main producing area, located in the Taliouine region was carried out between September (corms for cultivation) and December (soil and roots of saffron plants), 2018. The samples (corms and roots with symptoms) were cut up in fragments and disinfected with alcohol. Then, these fragments were cultured on Potato Sucrose Agar and incubated in the growth chamber for 7 days at 28°C. The pure cultures obtained were identified morphologically and microscopically. The fungal complex identified in the soils, corms and roots of saffron plants was almost identical, including Fusarium solani, F. oxysporum, F. culmorum, F. roseum, Fusarium sp., Aspergillus fumigatus, A. niger, Trichoderma sp., Rhizopus oryzae and Penicillium sp. Species of the genus Fusarium, considered as true pathogens of different crops, are the most represented, with isolation percentages ranging from 6 to 20%. Trichoderma sp., a biocontrol agent against various pathogens, has also been isolated from the soils, corms and roots of saffron plants, with a percentage of isolation ranging from 8 to 13%. This is the first time that the species of the genus Fusarium (F. solani, F. culmorum and F. roseum) and Trichoderma have been isolated in Morocco from Crocus sativus.

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Posted December 30, 2019 05:18

Calendar December 28, 2019 07:23

Downy mildew disease of quinoa caused by Peronospora variabilis is a serious threat which greatly reduces yield. The identification of the source of the primary infection at the early growth stages of quinoa is necessary to manage the spread of this pathogen. Hence, a conventional detection method based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was applied to detect the DNA of P. variabilis in the tissues of the different organs of quinoa plants (radicle or root; cotyledon or leaf; hypocotyl or stem) at the different growth stages (5-, 10-, 15- and 21-days old plants) and in inflorescences (flowers and their axes) at 60 and 80 days old. Twelve composite quinoa seedling samples were subdivided into different organs at the different growth stages. P. variabilis was detected in cotyledon/leaf tissues (10/12; 83%), hypocotyl/stem tissues (41.6%; 5/12) and radicle/root was the least positive (1/12; 0.8%) for presence of the pathogen. Moreover, the PCR showed that the pathogen was detected in the flowers and in their axes at the ages of 60 and 80 days. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 2 (COX2) regions were examined. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed that P. variabilis (EGDM1) was the causal agent of downy mildew affecting quinoa in Egypt and genetically similar to the United States and China lineage (COX2 Maximum likelihood tree). Downy mildew pathogen was detected in different organs of quinoa plant at early growth stages and inflorescences. Hence, the pathogen can spread systemically in quinoa tissues.

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Posted December 28, 2019 07:23